SketchUp/OSX Lion Known Google SketchUp Lion Issues
Based on what I read above, I am going to hold off upgrading.
Did Google release a maintenance release for the Snow Leopard upgrade? I can't remember now....
@unknownuser said:
Based on what I read above, I am going to hold off upgrading.
Did Google release a maintenance release for the Snow Leopard upgrade? I can't remember now....
I am also wary of upgrading right now. I have so much software and plugins for various suites I would be worried in case something stopped working especially since I rely on my machine for income now!
I think ill wait for a few patches and keep an eye to mac rumors etc to see how people are faring with it. I agree with Mike also I hate getting stuff as a download especially Steam for my games on MAC grrr, I would certainly but the USB key for piece of mind.
Nor can I (I am on Windows) but I do remember that there were issues until they adopted SU to Leopard (I would not say "fixed" thing as it wasn't them who broke them). Those issues - as far as I can remember - were not as serious (or numerous) as these ones now however.
if it is wise to wait a little before upgrading to an app's new version what to say of a whole OS upgrade?
another aspect of the download vs CD/DVD issue is that all apps one buys from the app store are immediately installed in your machine without giving you the chance to think if you want to do it at that exact moment. this is in general ok but I am not sure it should work this way with an OS upgrade.
.... the old adage, 'If it ain't broken, don't fix it!' has come to mind a few times. BTW, read that Lion is slower than Snow! The test results showed that it only by a fraction but never the less slower!
I also read somewhere that it should be possible to to have both Snow and Lion loaded! I think this involved setting up a partition but it would be worth the hassle for the learning curve period and I do believe there will be a little learning curve. Maybe even run it off a mem stick! I will look into it more and get back.
I would like to upgrade to Lion and buy a new MacBook Air.
I post a bug report about "White line bug" when shadows is switched on (
This recent bug is probably only on new Mac with Intel HD Graphics, with MacOs X 10.6.8. I have the new 13" MacBook Pro, using anterior 10.6.7.
Do you know if this problem will be solved in next maintenance release ?
I'm afraid this problem will appear again with Lion, and the new MacBook Air are only compatible with Lion.
Under Mac Os X 10.6.7, the Intel HD 3000 work perfectly with SketchUp 8 and fast.
Yes indeed, I read an article that Lion is 'ripping' Flash apart. Must try at find it as the graphic was good. Mmmmm, it looks to me that Apple definately don't want to play nice with Abobe these days! First the iPhone, then the iPad now the Air! What next? Still the 'Jailbreakers' are a strong force! I am not keen on jailbreaking but if the situation arises where I want to use my paid for iDevice in a certain way I think thats my business ALONE.
Here is another reason to me not upgrading,
%(#4000BF)[*Dear Carbonite Mac user,
As you may know, Apple has released the latest version of their operating system, Mac OS X Lion (10.7). At this time, Carbonite is not yet compatible with Lion. We’re actively working on an update to our software that will make it fully compatible with the new operating system.
If you continue using your current operating system (Mac OS X Snow Leopard or Mac OS X Leopard), Carbonite will continue to function normally.
If you plan to upgrade to Lion, please visit our Mac OS X Lion FAQ page for important information and updates about using Carbonite with Lion.
The Carbonite Team*]This makes me wonder if Apple develops in a vacuum!
Sketchup is not the only one won't work problely on the new OS, but also entire Adobe apps., especially, Flash.
There are also issues with CAD packages - AutoCAD in particular. Considering Apple's massive growth (iPhone and iPad revenues apparently are higher than Microsoft's total revenue) it won't be long before this stuff gets fixed.
I however am holding off until it does.
There are lots of reasons to upgrade. Everyone has heard of the headline multi-touch, full screen mode, and improved mail and Calendar and iDrop.
But in addition, the new Preview has the ability to sign PDFs with a scanned digital signature. It is also the most secure consumer OS you can get. It's even more secure than Linux now apparently due to internal design changes.
Then you have Resume and Autosave, a completely new Filevault (all that's similar is the name and principle - apparently), the ability to record only a part of the screen with Quicktime, easier ways of typing accents and lots more stuff.
So if your machine has decent enough hardware, I think it's a pretty compelling set of reasons to upgrade.
@bigstick said:
........... Considering Apple's massive growth (iPhone and iPad revenues apparently are higher than Microsoft's total revenue) ............
Didn't realize this. Wounder if there is no longer a barrier between hardware, and software?
Don't know, but interestingly, Apple is now the second most valuable company in the world!
Top is Exxon with a market value of around $415bn. Apple is some way behind at around $375bn. What lots of people are wondering though, is what will happen when the next iPhone is released...
LVMH, the biggest luxery group sold about 15b in the first half of 2011. Apple sales were almost 25b in the first quarter. WOW!!! Steve Job can probably own his own space station 4b/year over 30 years, and refurbish a shuttle (1.7b) to take him there (.5b a trip).
@bigstick said:
What lots of people are wondering though, is what will happen when the next iPhone is released...
It won't be the next iPhone that will create the BIG LEAP in Apple stock value! From what I read (and I read a lot about Apple) the next avenue they look to be breaking into will add 100B to stock value!
Now can anyone guess what I read?
A 160m megayacht? I give up, what?
Can't, be related their anticipated purchase of Hulu.
..... simple! TV sets
Apple have knocked Nokia of the 1st Place perch and I read they intend to knock Sony, Panasonic, Mitsubishi, etc into a corner soon!
..... this is what I read,
04-13-2011, 07:11 AM
Apple could launch an Internet-connected high-definition television set by the end of 2011, entering the lucrative $100 billion LCD TV market, a new report claims.Analyst Brian White with Ticonderoga Securities has been at a China electronics trade show this week, and said in a note to investors that he picked up "data points" that point toward a "Smart TV" launch by Apple, possibly by the end of the year.
"Our research suggests this Smart TV would go well beyond the miniature $99 second-generation Apple TV that the company released last fall and provide a full-blown TV product for consumers," White said.
He went on to say that although Apple has long been projected by company watchers to enter the HDTV market, the Mac maker now appears to be "moving down this path at a faster pace than the market expected."
"The combination of Apple's powerful ecosystem, industrial design savvy, powerful brand and ability to reinvent product categories could make Apple a powerful force in the TV world over the next few years," he said.
The biggest pusher of a prospective Internet-connected HDTV from Apple has been analyst Gene Munster of Piper Jaffray. Munster has repeatedly forecast that Apple will introduce such a product in the coming years, with a starting price of around $2,000.
Such a product could be paired with a subscription service to iTunes, allowing users to access content and services at a flat subscription rate that would negate the need for a cable box and digital video recorder. However, White's note gave no indication of potential features of such a product. Apple also has a great deal of experience with high-definition displays on its iMac desktop, including its big-screen 27-inch iMac, first released in 2009.
Earlier this year, Apple revealed it had invested $3.9 billion of its cash reserves in securing key components for products. Many have assumed that money has gone toward securing displays for its range of products, including the iPhone and iPad.
But Munster said in February he believes that $3.9 billion investment is just more evidence of a forthcoming Apple HDTV. He believes Apple could build a television set up to 50 inches in size, though he predicted earlier this year that such a product would not launch until the end of calendar year 2012 at the earliest.[ View this article at ] ( ear_report.html)*
Great news!!
Why because Apple encourages competition, competition pushes innovation, and lower prices.
So let Apple come out with a full internet HDTV and I'll buy the Vizio that competes with it at a fraction of the price, we all win.
.... further 'problems'!
'Apple has hidden the user Library folder by default in Mac OS X Lion. These are instructions on how to make it visible again.'
Mac OS X | How to Show the User Library Folder in Mac OS X Lion
Has apple got something against SketchUp? Maybe its because SketchUp is not in the App Store
@solo said:
Great news!!
Why because Apple encourages competition, competition pushes innovation, and lower prices.
So let Apple come out with a full internet HDTV and I'll buy the Vizio that competes with it at a fraction of the price, we all win.
What are you doing over here Pete ...... spying????