Converting 2D dxf or dwg files
Is there a possibilty to import 2D dxf or dwg drawings in sketchup so i can alter them in D drawings?
Since your profile says you are using SketchUp 7.1 Pro, you should already have the .dwg/.dxf importer/exporter in the File menu.
Select File > Import, then select AutoCAD Files from the File type drop-down.
And before you do that you should make sure that you have at least one object in the scene.
The reason for that is that for some odd reason SU imports a dxf/dwg as a group only if there are already something in the scene, and you want it as a group - or at least I always do. Else it will import it as lots of "free" lines (and eventually some faces). -
Thanks for the information. Yes indeed in the file menu i can import dxf and dwg files but i have still a problem left. When i for example draw a circle in autocad, save it and then import it in sketchup (even when i have already a component in the scene)the circle apears in the scene but there is no surface created such as when you draw a circle in SU. My intention was to draw complex sections in autocad and then export them to SU to make 3D models of it with for example the push/pull function.