Exploding Viewports in LO3
What are the pro's & con's of exploding a SU viewport in Layout? I've had an initial play and can't see any file size saving but dimensions & LO graphics connect a lot more positively. I have a multi storey building which is at an advanced stage of development that I'm tempted to "explode", but what happens when I need to replace a plan, will my notes & dimensions stay in the right place? Is there a good time to break the link?
A few of my own findings...
Fairly obvious but dimensions don't autoscale after exploding the view not a problem, just set the scale manually.
You can "clip" a plan with the rectangular viewport before exploding, but you can't apply a clipping mask and then explode.
I have quite a few layers in my drawings and exploding makes editing or manually trimming seem quite complex.