Help me please
hi i'm working on a tank, but the rotate tool does not what i want, the track needs to be on an axis, but it needs to be still precisely with my sketchyphysics angle...
so i want to set a point ( sketchyphysics joint) then rotate it to a axis.. but the track is not on the angle just the end of the track (end point for direction) and joint
it needs to be joint (as a base) and then i need two points a line on the track so my track can be precisely on the axis....
hm i hope you all understand me
thanks if you can help me!!!
greetz demi
ok i'm sorry i did find how i did select mij joint like i sayd, and then i did my second click at a center
anyway thanks for this forum but i found it by myself
greetz demi
ok sorry my problem is stil there
this is how it suposed to be -
finally found
but i did need the line tool and so... verry weird.. that you have to do that much... why not just a three point rotator
one as base and the other two's wich axis it needs.. allright i've got it... i'm happy now -
I don't know what I am doing, but when I have that problem, I 'select' the object and move it around with the Move tool.
now when my tracks are complete and the joints are connected for sketchy physics sketchup crashes