Making mountains out of meltdowns (in Japan)
The BBC has at last published some useful stuff about radiation levels, what a 'millisievert' is and how many we get or should be concerned about getting etc
Even then though they don't keep it simple, and talk about exposure to 'Grays' [which I had mistakenly thought flew UFOs] and then go back to 'mSv' per year, hour, lifetime, single-dose etc which make comparisons awkward...
This other site tries to explain Grays and mSv and introduces rads and rems to confuse us little wonder the Fukushima techniciams reported levels 1,000,000 times higher that allowed but retracted it saying it was an error [never heard what they actual decided it was
] - all those bloody calculations and units [1 rem = 1000 mrem = 10 mSv = 0.01 Sv & 0.1 rad = 100 mrad = 1 mGy = 0.001 Gy & a Gray ~= sV, said the BBC ?]... and of course, 'Radioactivity is measured in Becquerels (Bq) per second. 1 Bq means one disintegration per second. It is also measured in Curie (Ci), named for Madam Curie, who shared Nobel Prize with her husband. 1 Curie = 3.7 x 1010 Bq or disintegrations per second'... these are then completely ignore on favor of the latest fashion 'Sieverts' et al, with no clue about their relationships [if any].... place your bets please...
This is a another related table -
Pistols? No, no, no.
No duelling pistols quite yet (or duelling 'handbags' as we once put it
It has been made clear that I'm not going to get a penny out of Honolulu, and I probably never will.
However, this could be a fantastic oppotunity to change a lot of opinions (although I'd far prefer to change the world through debate and eating radioactive spinach). So what have I got to loose?
I've written to my friend in Tokyo and meanwhile, I am writing to the Japanese Embassy in London. I may get laughed at, and not taken seriously- far too dangerous they'll probably say, and I'd argue that it would avert attention away from all these fools and all that, but that would be missing the point wouldn't it?
I haven't the money to pull off an event like this, so If anyone wants to sponsor me, lets go for it.
TEPCO finally asks for help international companies who sold the plant!
But it's not too late when Plutonium is now seeping through?
There were 17 days losted!
I am absolutly desolated to be right from the beginning!
Good luck to them, good luck to us, because the worst is now following! -
Doomed I tell you! We're all DOOOMED!
Today that we can hear on the radio at midday in Europe
"Japan gouvernment says : reactors 1,2,3 out of control"
Does this reassuring? -
Dead because of a giant tsunami caused by a magnitude 8.9 earthquake. Despite a few 'problems' (mainly exaggerated by the western press), not one fatality caused by nuclear 'fallout' or radioactivity from Fukushima. Pilou, Do these images not speak to you (I don't see anyone in 'radiation suits' either!)?
Grief and desolations.
My japan friends will appreciate "a few 'problems'" at the end of the chain
Seism-->Tsunami-->reactors melting -
@unknownuser said:
Today that we can hear on the radio at midday in Europe
"Japan gouvernment says : reactors 1,2,3 out of control"
Does this reassuring?Pilou, I think you hear, what you want to hear!
This is what the latest BBC report says (@ 16:33 29-03-11);
@unknownuser said:
Water levels in underground tunnels adjoining reactors 1, 2 and 3 had been stable, the agency said.
Reactor 1: Damage to the core from cooling problems. Building holed by gas explosion. Highly radioactive water detected in reactor
Reactor 2: Damage to the core from cooling problems. Building holed by gas blast; containment damage suspected. Highly radioactive water detected in reactor and adjoining tunnel
Reactor 3: Damage to the core from cooling problems. Building holed by gas blast; containment damage possible. Spent fuel pond partly refilled with water after running low. Highly radioactive water detected in reactor
Plutonium: Found at five locations in soil - levels said to represent no danger to human health
The above statement is completely open to interpretation. Highly radioactive water detected in reactor? Well that's hardly surprising is it? I see nothing about all three reactors being 'out of control'. It says nothing new at all.
Emphasis again on this more important news item (although that really should be at the top of the page);
@unknownuser said:
The massive 9.0-magnitude quake and the tsunami on 11 March are now known to have killed more than 11,000 people, with at least 16,700 people still missing across north-eastern Japan.
@unknownuser said:
Grief and desolations.
My japan friends will appreciate "a few 'problems'" at the end of the chain
Seism-->Tsunami-->reactors melting"a few problems"?
11,000+++ dead? Are you mad??
I speak of this!
@unknownuser said:
Despite a few 'problems' (mainly exaggerated by the western press),
You do?
It doesn't read like that to me!
It reads as if you have totally lost your reasoning!
Perhaps it's the translation that I am getting confused by?
@unknownuser said:
Perhaps it's the translation that I am getting confused
I have understood that you consider Fukushima as "a few problems"
Sorry if that was not the case. -
I don't like the phrase "I saw it on the internet so it must be true"
So with this in mind I post the following link:'s hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology, proposed by Abraham Maslow, at the bottom of the pyramid were "breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion"
It amazes me how quickly humanity can be relegated back to the bottom of the pyramid through our own misuse of technology.time well tell!
Worth to watch
Fairewinds Associates Chief Nuclear Engineer, Arnie Gundersen discusses the current state of the Fukushima plant in Japan. -
@unknownuser said:
Radiation levels in seawater remain high
The operator of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says radiation levels detected in seawater near the plant remain high.
Tokyo Electric Power Company says it detected 11,000 bequerels of radioactive iodine-131 per cubic centimeter in seawater samples collected around the water intake of the No.2 reactor on Tuesday morning.
That's 280,000 times higher than the maximum allowed under the government's standards.
The recorded radioactive concentration was still high even though it was lower than that of last Saturday, when 7.5 million times the legal limit was detected at the same spot.
The utility also detected 24 bequerels of iodine-131 per cubic centimeter, about 600 times higher than the legal limit, in samples taken near the water outlet of the No.5 and No.6 reactors on Tuesday. The figure was higher than that of the previous day.At a location about 330 meters south of the water outlet of the 4 reactors, the iodine-131 concentration had fallen from 4,385 times the legal limit detected last Wednesday to 400 times the legal limit, or 16 bequerels per cubic centimeter on Tuesday.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 21:50 +0900 (JST)
@unknownuser said:
At a location about 330 meters south of the water outlet of the 4 reactors, the iodine-131 concentration had fallen from 4,385 times the legal limit detected last Wednesday to 400 times the legal limit, or 16 bequerels per cubic centimeter on Tuesday.
And it will probably rise again, then fall....
How many dead from a direct exposure to the plant? None. Yet in the north, we seem to have forgotten about that again
There probably will be only few deaths from direct radiation in Fukushim disaster. But its delayed effect are far more challenging to estimate. Chernobyl disaster is said to have 4,000 to 200,000 or more victims.
Have you any idea of the real maintenance of a central plant ?
Take a look of this : RAS
The weak link is human! (or nature in the case of Fukushima)
(in French and German) free access (first video) -
I used to believe that Japan was the land of the robots, but it appears that France and the US may be better prepared to work in radioactive environments.
Its been reported that the two fellows that were exposed to radioactive water in the plant have developed rashes. Hope it doesn't get worst, but who knows what will happen in the long run:(
@unknownuser said:
The highest specific exposures reported so far were of two workers at the Fukushima plant who received doses of 170 to 180 mSv on March 24 โ lower than the new Japanese standard, but still enough to cause some symptoms (reports say the men had rashes on the areas exposed to radioactive water).
Oooh developing itchy rashes? Nasty!
@unknownuser said:
but who knows what will happen in the long run:(
Quite. Most probably this I suppose?;