Jewish mysteries
A Jewish friend of mine writes Jewish mystery novels and I thought I would have a go at creating a cover for his current work in progress. The final piece combines SU with photography but until he publishes I can't show the photography as it gives away his plotline. Anyhow these two gentlemen started out as fairly crude warehouse models. I was able to build beards (subdivide and smooth and then accessorize them with fedoras, sunglasses and even the Jewish ear locks. Rather than modify the noses in SU I did that in Photoshop, the original SU noses looked more like a cross between Bob Hope and Michael Jackson. So far this is more experimental work than a direct path to the final product. On the photographic side I was successful in converting my 24-year-old Venezuelan/American son into a full bearded and ear locked 45-year-old totally convincing rabbi. I had never messed with makeup and false beards but was able to get it right the first time out of the gate. Will post the full cover when the project publishes. -
Very cool. Good work.
In that pose, they look a bit mafia-esque.
I finally had a chance to read your description. Mighty fine experimental work. Good luck.
Well it is a mystery novel and there are some bad guys, but I can't reveal the final design or give away the plot until the novel is published. I will say that I have combined this with some original photography and cover graphics and am pleased although I have to go back and redo everything with more attention to detail. I also read the book cover to cover in three days and never felt like putting the book down.
The author wants more evil. Remember Christoper Walken, "I have a fever and the prescription is more cowbell?" Well the prescription for evil in this novel is more Glock 9mm. Even if you get the elements from the 3D warehouse, integrating them into a coherent piece of art work is no walk in the park. Little-by-little we will build it before your eyes.
I am just beginning to learn what you can do with subdivide and smooth. The learning curve has been steep, but I am beginning to get a handle on organic shapes. And once again I am reminded the last 20 percent of a project requires 80 percent of the time. -
Looks like the guys at the start of the movie 'Snatch'
Image copyright Roger Hawkins 2011
This is probably my fifth hand model for this project and I am beginning to understand subdivide/smooth and organic modeling.
Hopefully I am over the hump in the project and can start assembling the pieces.
Almost finished but as always the devil is in the details.This is sketchup, original photography, and lots of post processing in photoshop.
Comments encouraged. -
Very effective
The real person is not a real Rabbi. In fact, he is not even Jewish. However, the real fake Rabbi's middle name is Israel. He is a Venezuelan-American guitarist and mixed martial artist. He is my son when not being used as a photographic prop. But such are the contradictions of life.
--Roger -
At one point it seemed this project would never be finished, but the client and I were pleased with the result. The two guys in the background are the SketchUp portion of the project. Its a fun read and well written.