Watchtower... reloaded
I'm lucky I have saved my post before the WIP forum change
Hello all!
I'm redoing the watchtower. Now the tower will have my own textures and a more complex model with more details.
You can see from the pictures the previous version on the left side and the new on the right side.Click on image to enlarge
Torre de vigilancia 01 - A por artysmedia , en Flickr
Torre de vigilancia 01 - B por artysmedia , en Flickr
Torre de vigilancia 01 - C por artysmedia , en Flickr
The old version has 3.334 faces, the new version has 177.195 can see the old version here
These look fabulous artysmedia, really illuminate the subject.
@leedeetee said:
... really illuminate the subject.
Yeah, sometimes i feel luminous
Left = before
Right = afterClic on the image to enlarge
Torre de vigilancia 01 - D por artysmedia , en Flickr -
Torre de vigilancia 01 - E por artysmedia , en Flickr -
Click on the image to enlarge
Torre de vigilancia 01 - F por artysmedia , en Flickr -
I just saw this on your Flickr page.
Looks great!