Importing a CAD file to model off of
Hello everyone, just a quick question...i am currently using the free download SU 8.0 and unable to import a CAD underlay to begin modelling off of. When i look at the options of what types of files i can import theres everything under the sun, with the exception of this a catch for not purchasing a pro copy?, or am i missing something. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Hi D and welcome,
When SU 7.1 came out, the cad import was already taken out of the free version and substituted with a temporary solution; a plugin that Google said would not be supported in future releases.
So yes, you can put it that way; it is a catch for "professionals" to purchase the pro version - while hobbyists will probably not need this feature too much.
There is now another plugin being developed by a forum member here:
Hope it can do what you'd like to import.