Model This: Training
That's really close to how I made the curb, Jeff. Your way is faster using the Solid tools...I need to learn the ins and outs of them.
Here's what I did:
YouTube - Dropped Curbs in Sketchup
[flash=640,385:vyudgand][/flash:vyudgand]I split the curb into 2 sections, made a separate follow-me path for each section, then used Intersect to get rid of the excess (I didn't have SU8 then). Now, I couldn't get good results with Union, maybe because of overlapping faces? I'll have to play more with the Solid Tools.
Jeff wrote:
i had to google some of those words to see what you were saying. funny"
Well, I don't do too much else around here, so, if I can make one person laugh, it's not a total loss.
Liking the videos Jeff. Make things seem so easy!