STEP export or Khamsin?
I'm looking at options to use SketchUp as the first step in a simple CFD workflow.
The tools I'm using all seem to support STEP as the only common option. I have seen a STEP importer, but not an exporter, does such a beast exist?
We have a talented SketchUp modeler on-staff, and we're looking at options to do some simple CFD.
The stand-alone tools we have seen generally support STEP, and although I've seen a STEP importer, I have not found an exporter. Does such a thing exist?
Alternately, does anyone here have experience with the Khamsin plugin? I'd like to get some preliminary comments on it if you have any to share.
Not a single one of those acronyms or softwares is familiar to me. Please explain.
maybe we can learn here some additional things. I remembered, as a company had once made a computational fluid dynamics in an injection mold for us.
Khamsin Plugin for Sketchup:
STEP Import for AutoCAD is a STEP file import plug-in for AutoCAD.
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) is a technique for modelling many physical systems.
For a STEP exporter have a look here:
I'm not sure a STEP exporter for AutoCAD will help me with my SketchUp files?
Are these 3d geometry formats? Or do they pertain more to the fluid and how it moves? You're making it easy to give a good answer as to whether someone can help you