Animated GIF flames with transparent background?
With Sahi's latest, cool plugin, we can now have animated GIF in SU (and it exports with the animation).
Does anyone have some decent, animated flame GIF's with transparent background? I could really use something (size wise) for
- fire place
- torch
- candle light
Update; it seems that any kind of image would do - but it should be a sequence of an animation...
Thanks Ron, they are nice
(and could probably go inside a fireplace) but I would (also?) need ones with transparent background so that I can imitate "standalone" fire as well.
This plugin looks really cool!
I've been waiting for something like this. I'd like to see a finished example when you are done please Gai.
I can make you some if you need, and why was I not included in the beta testing of this amazing plugin? I feel abandoned.
@solo said:
why was I not included in the beta testing of this amazing plugin?
Who was?
@solo said:
I can make you some if you need
That would be cool (I guess some particle animation from Vue or such?). Looking at the plugin, it does not even need to be an animated GIF but any kind of image sequence of jpg or png (I do not want to hassle with bmp).
Twilight can render the animation nicely. Now I wonder if a flame has smaller and bigger states and I set it as an emitter, will the whole lighting be dynamic, too?
See pm.
Here is my Campfire scene (logs from 3dwarehouse) + fire loop images:
Skp scene (~8mb):
Image sequence (~15mb):
Thanks Jan!
(And Pete, of course - I already thanked that in the PM)
@gaieus said:
Does anyone have some decent, animated flame GIF's with transparent background? I could really use something (size wise) for
- fire place
- torch
- candle light
Thanks, Sahi, too! (now I will only need to buy the plugin)
Very Cool! GiF in SU, it is super!
it must buy! -
And then we have this from TIG: