Newbie questions
Greetings! Just decided to make a serious effort to extend my 2D skills to 3D. This forum looked like a good place to start.
A few random questions:
I have a ton of .dwg and .dxf files (from 15 years of using TurboCAD), but can't import them into SU 8 without springing for the Pro license. I understand that there is a plugin for SU 7.1 that supports this feature. Where can I get SU 7.1 and the plugin?
Depending on camera angle, I sometimes have trouble getting SU to draw a circle in the plane I want. Is there a way to specify the plane?
After using push/pull to punch a hole through a solid, I sometimes get a face with a funny, shiny surface that doesn't behave properly when using push/pull again. What am I doing wrong? Can this be cured?
Looking forward to your replies. Thanks. J
what I do is create a cube, type C to begin the circle creation, as you drag your cursor to different faces of the cube the circle will snap to that plane, if you then hold shift when you get it oriented how you want you can remove the cursor from that plane and it will stay 'locked' to that orientation so long as you keep holding shift
not sure i've ever run into that. can you post a screenshot perhaps?