Question about editing
OK, I have zoomed down to a group, double clicked to edit the group. Is there a way to close the group without zooming out?
And I just know the answer is going to be a DUH thread answer!!
Thanks in advance for your help
If you can right click anywhere where there's no geometry, you can close it from the context menu. Otherwise there is a menu item under Edit > Close group/component and if there is menu for it, you can assign a shortcut to it as well.
Well, I was right, the answer does belong in the DUH thread. Never noticed that menu option before. Every time I have been in the Edit menus, it was grayed out and I just didn't notice it before.
So thank you Gaieus. I will now assign a short cut to this option.
...or switch to Select tool and hit Esc...
@d12dozr said:
...or switch to Select tool and hit Esc...
Thank you. Did not know that. It works well.