Best Way to Use this forum
I just joined and am getting alot of useful information. What's the best way to handle the replies?
Should I reply to the whole board on my complements for replies?
Can I send a private message?
Should I send a private message?
Where will I find the forum help stuff. I found it once, but can't find it again.
Is there a forum help area?
Other than being nice to each other, I don't think there are many rules of etiquette on these forums. If you ask a question and get some good answers, it seems like the thing to do is to reply with a thank you within the thread. Heck, even if you didn't ask a question, but found some good tips in another thread, nothing says you can't tell the folks that they've been helpful.
Hi gmyhilo,
Sawduster is right; not too much rules (unless you are a blatant spammer
Obviously good questions however when you are new at a place.
There are several places with "Help stuff". I posted one here in the Newbie forum: "Getting started". It's a "sticky" in the Newbie forum so it is always somewhere on the top of the topic list.
Then there is the forum software specific "FAQ" that you can access from somewhere on the top, too, either right between the ads and the red navigation buttons or below them when inside a specific forum.
As for posting; the general "netiquette" requires that people do not hijack others' topics. This of course does not mean that you cannot post in others' topics at all - just let's not change the whole subject. We do sometimes hijack each other's posts too - in these cases moderators can split these topics.
Also they can merge topics if they find that the posts should belong to each other. This is especially the case when someone posts the same on several, different subforums (in these cases we often even delete or at least lock the duplicate posts/topics).
If you are not sure that what you'd like to post belongs to that particular topic or not, start a new one instead. Regular members will guide you to an existing answer (if there is one already).
Private messages? Only if what you want to ask is really "private". Many people do not like being disturbed privately but of course there are cases when it is needed. Never ask SketchUp related questions in PM's however. The forums are here to pile up some "collective wisdom" and PM's are not collective (and people may not wish to answer things like this privately).
But do not worry too much, if you make a mistake, you will be advised how to do it better.
...and remember the Search box at the top right is your best friend to find the heaps of treasures hidden here