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It really pisses me off that the reporter is so short sighted as to try and turn it in to an interview about the accusations levelled at one man when the real questions are around the tens of thousands of civilians who have been killed.
I think the comment under says it well, Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, "Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people."
Still ... it's not ideas we should be worried about. Homo lupus homini est:
Biting the hand that feeds you.
General Motors, Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase have been funding the Republicans that were against the bailots that these companies got from the Democrats to stay in business are now giving money to the Republicans to win the mid term elections.
Our country is so corrupt it's actually funny.
That's the nature of large autonomous profit motivated business. Create a product, then the market for it, then squeeze every short term penny out of it. Threaten the country, so that the Fed's get involved in a war, or a bailout, then milk it for all its worth. What's worst, is that many Congressmen sincerely march to the beat of short sighted drummers, going forward while looking into the rear view mirror, as these organizations flourish in the garbage that reality is.
Just look at the way elections are currently run. Democracy is on the edge of the abyss. What's really sad, is that there seems to be no mechanism, or system to straighten out things. We have a Republican Congressional Candidate behind in the polls. The further back he gets, the more mud slinging he, and so called independent organizations spend on mud slinging. I understand that this Congressmen, as a Reserve Officer prior to getting elected, got a exception when his unit was called to active duty. Don't know if that's true, but it's a story that's currently going around. Even if the opposition didn't start that rumor, it the nature of us that may be the part of the problem.
Rant @ Tea party.
U.S. slips to historic low in global corruption index
Among other reasons...@unknownuser said:
lending practices in the subprime crisis, the disclosure of Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme and rows over political funding had all rattled public faith about prevailing ethics in America.
@solo said:
Rant @ Tea party.
It looks to me she rush towards Rand Paul twice. I don't think the foot on the head was called for, but, that is not a normal protest, rushing a candidate twice, in this day and age. Of course, I didn't see your complaint about black man being beaten at a Tea Party get together.
7th delayed flight so far this year.
Looks like I'll be taking off when I should be landing. -
ALL empires fail. ALL of them. It allows history to reinvent itself and fail in exactly the same manner as it has scores of times before. I don't forsee humans becoming any more conscious of that. Short term gain, profit and power overrule all as they have throughout history. At least until we run out of resources, that will put a damper on things.
Tea Party. The protestation of taxation without representation, name now usurped to give carte blanche to businesses to drill for oil (corporations), give tax breaks to corporations, and in general make things better for corporations. I don't see any independence here, just the citizenry handing the reins of power to entities that have no accountability or resposibility except to line the pockets of politicians who let them get away with whatever they want. I mean really, if a business screws up, they just claim bankruptcy, get a bailout and come back under a different name. That's independence all right.
Smokers! Hanging right outside the entrance of buildings blowing puffs of smoke in your face as you pass them. raaarggh! I'll start packing a water pistol - or maybe a supersoaker.
@solo said:
I will start...
Okay so you have a high end restaurant with a strict dress code clearly displayed in your window. A group of World war 2 veterans decide to frequent your establishment but they are clearly in violation of the dress code as they are wearing shorts, hats and jeans that the dress code does not allow, do you overlook your rules because they are veterans?
Well this is an issue that has been on the news in Dallas as a restaurant turned them away, and they made it a huge issue by going to the TV stations to make a scene about it, citing that they were discriminated against as veterans in veteran paraphernalia, and the restaurant being owned by a German (Wolfgang Puck) made the story even more tantalising for the media.
It's about RESPECT!!
WTF!! why does being a veteran make you an untouchable? -
I agree, respect the rules of the restaurant.
New York child sued for woman's death after bike crash
A girl aged four can be sued for crashing a bicycle into an elderly pedestrian and causing injuries that led to her death, a judge in New York rules.
BBC News (www.bbc.co.uk)
edit: if you insist chris
4 year old kid being sued for crashing in to an old woman during a bike race, causing injuries that led to the womans death. Its just plain old stupid. Im sure the kids going to feel guilty enough as it is without dragging them through a lengthy legal process that will ultimately change nothing.
You gotta put a brief explanation of the article so I know if I care enough to click on the link.
@chris fullmer said:
You gotta put a brief explanation of the article so I know if I care enough to click on the link.
You dare not click a BBC link?
@remus said:
New York child sued for woman's death after bike crash
A girl aged four can be sued for crashing a bicycle into an elderly pedestrian and causing injuries that led to her death, a judge in New York rules.
BBC News (www.bbc.co.uk)
edit: if you insist chris
4 year old kid being sued for crashing in to an old woman during a bike race, causing injuries that led to the womans death. Its just plain old stupid. Im sure the kids going to feel guilty enough as it is without dragging them through a lengthy legal process that will ultimately change nothing.
I couldn't believe the judge's statement that the child's lawyer didn't prove that she "lacked maturity" - isn't being 4-5 years old the very definition of "lacking maturity"? And, even if she is sued, what are they gonna collect, the girl's duplo blocks?