A blender foundation short movie -
I enjoyed that. Felt it could do with another few months of polish though, some of the animation looked very strange, particularly sintel in the opening and ending sequences. The dragons where ace though, seemed as natural as a dragon can
Oh and thanks for posting michalis
Must make next in SF world
It was amazing, but the end... it touched me.
But I question the closing music.
i was very impressed with Sintel (specially the second time i saw it, just to enjoy the movie and not dissecate errors...).
In some moments the animation and hair could be better, some background models look "low res" in textures and polygons, and ilumination could also be pushed up a notch. Other than this small things everything looked great: the models, story, and specially the music.For a movie with a limited team (12 members at peak, but the normal was 5), limited professional experience, limited budget (just 400.000 euros), limited time (1 year), and all done with an incomplete version of a software (started with blender alpha1 and finishied in blender beta2), i'm surprise they didn't try to kill each other with the deadline reaching
In the end they really have something they can be proud of, and a very good "showroom" of what blender can do.
wow! when can i see it in 3D??!!