A Thread for Fine Design
Design is a process, and when a design is well thought out and executed you will see an end product like this that has considered everything for the users it is intended for.
Stephen, well done!
I'm quite fascinated with some the the transforming furniture designs that come to fore. This particular sofa/double bed/ workstation is one such!
I was just listening to a radio show about a new development in Vancouver that will offer living spaces under 400 sq ft (just over 37 sq m)This is highly unusual in Canada where people consider 2500 sq ft (232 sq m)small. We still think we have a lot of space to waste.
This style of furniture will be essential in a space this size.
It really requires some innovative design and joinery, and out of the box thinking. -
Mayor, I think you'll love this vid. then .
The idea of converting one object and its function into another.
Red Dot Award winner for Design Concept Chan Wen Jie, with his "Convertible" stair that converts to a ramp.Convertible is a user-friendly, dual-function staircase that can be transformed into a ramp.
The goal of this design is to help the elderly, those who have walking difficulties, or those who need to move heavy items in a trolley or on a cart to climb stairs more efficiently and conveniently. It aims to minimise falls and injuries.Convertible incorporates a simple linkage mechanism system that requires minimal effort to operate, making it quick and easy to use. It is mounted directly onto existing stairs, and makes efficient use of space, time, and money in comparison to the construction of a new ramp. Convertible has been designed for a low construction cost, easy installation, and minimal maintenance.
And this type of conversion is made more pertinent with the major storms happening world wide right now. Designer Chen Yu Jung
It is important to promptly and efficiently settle and comfort survivors after disasters. Rely – a foldout sleeping domain – makes things easier by accommodating a survivors’ needs within it.
After a disaster has occurred, refuges and aid centres typically gather the survivors and distribute the required resources. However, the distribution of resources can potentially be ad hoc depending on their availability. Rely presents a survivor with everything they need (bar food) and encourages feelings of warmth, safety, reassurance, and comfort.Rely contains a sleeping bag and light shelter, a bottle of water, a lighting tool, a stool, tableware, and toiletries. All the components are rolled up into a hexagon-shaped cylinder that can be zipped up and carried on one’s back with the help of straps. The rigid cylinder casing can be used as a sun shelter for the head when the bed is unfolded.
The two ends of the cylinder store goods. On one side, a small storage compartment houses the bottle of water, tableware, and toiletries. When it is turned upside down, this ‘cabinet’ can be used as a stool. On the other side, a lighting tool is accommodated. It can be used as a lamp, and also as a flashlight that is charged via the kinetic energy associated with pushing a button. The lamp can be stood upright on its base. The rolled-up unit is efficient to stack and transport.
And for the Kids Designer Hsu Wei Chih
This build-it-yourself children’s bike is made (with parental help) almost entirely from a pre-cut cardboard sheet.
Almost all the components of D-Bike are made from reinforced honeycomb cardboard. They are all punched out from a pre-cut cardboard sheet. Parents and their kids work together to assemble the bike, enhancing the parent-child relationship in the process. The intention is also that kids will learn from the assembly process.Kids can create their own drawings on the provided self-adhesive paper, and stick them on each side of the bike. A unique bike is therefore created. Kids will gain confidence and have fun during the assembly, drawing, and resultant play with the bike. D-Bike is easy and inexpensive to manufacture.
@dale said:
The idea of converting one object and its function into another.
Red Dot Award winner for Design Concept Chan Wen Jie, with his "Convertible" stair that converts to a ramp.Convertible is a user-friendly, dual-function staircase that can be transformed into a ramp.
The goal of this design is to help the elderly, those who have walking difficulties, or those who need to move heavy items in a trolley or on a cart to climb stairs more efficiently and conveniently. It aims to minimise falls and injuries.Convertible incorporates a simple linkage mechanism system that requires minimal effort to operate, making it quick and easy to use. It is mounted directly onto existing stairs, and makes efficient use of space, time, and money in comparison to the construction of a new ramp. Convertible has been designed for a low construction cost, easy installation, and minimal maintenance.
[attachment=1:2ie461l4]<!-- ia1 -->Screenshot 2012-10-30 at 8.29.42 AM.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:2ie461l4]So instead of being a "Thread for Fine Design," this is a "Tread for fine Design."
Well Roger, I was just nosing around the internet, and thought this might be a step in the right direction.
Apologies for the lapse in time between posts. Just crazy busy.
So it was very refreshing to stumble across this Architect. Makoto Tanijiri / Suppose Design Office. http://www.suppose.jp/profile/index_e.html
I was researching small residential spaces, and if there is someone who has a handle on this it is certainly this gentleman. But in looking thought his website, you can get a feeling that this is a very creative individual. Well worth the peruse.And the street view.
And some other projects
I was taken by this rendering style
Can't find much on the Lexmark site, but I know this would solve a lot of problems.
Seems to get up to A2.
Accomadates all types of Medias ?
great design. . .not so great English.
I just wondered how official the image is. Where did it come from?
How are those big cartridges to move back and forth (no room), or are there separate print heads?I'd want one, just to be cool.
I stumbled across it here http://www.behance.net/gallery/Retractable-Concept-Printer/5113515
But a subsequent search of The Lexmark site came up blank. It does say conceptual printer, and it certainly seems feasible, but no confirmation of its development or existence.
really too bad. -
As someone who love concrete and its potential, I really fell in love with this residence.
The Tea House http://www.archi-union.com/allCase.aspx
Interesting volumes Dale but I don't share your love of concrete for interior finish ..... maybe its because I live in a climate that tends to be a bit on the cold and wet side
Fine Design? . . .I don't know. . .but pretty clever. I always wondered what could be done with these with the advent of the flash drive!
See it animated here
@unknownuser said:
Fine Design? . . .I don't know. . .but pretty clever. I always wondered what could be done with these with the advent of the flash drive!
[attachment=0:376kyyn0]<!-- ia0 -->7-neulant_van_exel-floppytable.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:376kyyn0]
See it animated here
I imagine a dinner table out of Bernouli or Iomega discs...
I had my IOmega Zip Drive converted into a toaster.