SU 8 upgrade, 10 days, but it did on gmail. duh?
Baz, that looks like a very nice boat.
A 1980 Catalina 27 owns me. Today was a bit depressing, We took her sails and anchor off in preparation for her being hauled on Monday. She'll spend the winter on the hard overlooking frozen Lake Pepin waiting for the ice to melt again.
@unknownuser said:
"... That's why we get high. "
were you referring to epoxy jeff? it doesnt do that, just gets everywhere and ruins your clothes.
or perhaps sailing? thats a natural high.
baz -
@dave r said:
Baz, that looks like a very nice boat.
A 1980 Catalina 27 owns me. Today was a bit depressing, We took her sails and anchor off in preparation for her being hauled on Monday. She'll spend the winter on the hard overlooking frozen Lake Pepin waiting for the ice to melt again.
so exactly the opposite for me dave, just starting to get excited about the new season.
show us a pic of the catalina.
baz -
Here you go. Lying in her slip.
I hope you have an enjoyable sailing season.
thanks dave. your cat looks not dissimiliar to my cav... good old fashioned sea kindly etc.
baz -
Yes indeed. I have to give it to those older boats. They tend to be heavily built which makes them nice in a seaway. I prefer wooden boats but the older, heavily built fiberglass boats are better than a lot of the tupperware boats being built these days.
Talking about older wooded boats, here is my favourite old girl - that's me on the T'gallant yard in the third picture (about 36m above the deck.)
Most excellent! And cannon, too.
I want a bow chaser on my boat.
FWIw, this was shot at the marina yesterday. Water is about 10 feet higher than the same time last year which was closer to average. Usually by mid to late summer you can't see over the breakwater from the docks or the decks of boats. It was very strange to stand in the cockpit yesterday and be able to see the actual surface of the lake beyond the wall.
@baz said:
@unknownuser said:
"... That's why we get high. "
were you referring to epoxy jeff? it doesnt do that, just gets everywhere and ruins your clothes.
or perhaps sailing? thats a natural high.
that's the next line after what you said eariler - "To paraphrase your byline 'lifes a bitch and then you die' Did I just make that up or did I hear it somewhere?"it's a Nas song..
about a minute in for the chorus[but maybe you were thinking of a different reference?]
that is a very good photo dave, tho slightly confusing for us in the SH.
as for you john, scary comes to mind, i have a 12 metre mast, its a long way in a sea way, (haiku?)
jeff, good song, even for an old fart, thanks. reminds me of: if you dont laugh, you dont fart and if you dont fart, you dont shit, and if you dont shit, you die.
...something like that anyway.At the risk of hijacking my own thread... do any of you know how to set up a word doc/template to suit the pixel width of a css webpage.
I've just taken on a very big remake of a website and i am about to be sent 60 pages of copy in .doc format.
Any idea how i can design a .doc template which will suit my web layout, which i can ask my client to use, instead of copy/paste/reformat/and then sort line breaks to make it sensible etc.bazzarre 'that would be the gin talkin' mills. (where is DH? I miss my durant hit.) no, seriously. ha.
ps: If there are any lurkers out there who might be able with the .doc and 'css' stuff please feel free to lob in.
mornington harbour 2 years ago, 60 knots, 3 mtr waves with a 50 klick fetch. my boat already on the the beach and smashed. not good. oh well. -
Oiy, don't go changing the subject now, we are just getting into boats...
I do not currently own a boat, did a while back and it drained me to the point that I practically gave it away for free, even though we all know a boat is a hole you keep putting money in.
I now just admire them from a distance, like the Mayflower 2 (Plymouth harbor) family vacation 2010.
"that is a very good photo dave, tho slightly confusing for us in the SH."
Because it's gloomy and the trees are changing color?
Pete, sometimes I would like to be rid of my boat, too, although I do almost all the work on it myself. Sometimes I wish I had my first boat back. I built it from scratch.
I even built the steering wheel for it.
Pete, did you go on board Mayflower II? Replicas of Nina and Pinta were in our marina back in August. It was interesting to go on board and as much as I would like to sail on a tall ship, I wouldn't put to sea in either of those two ships. Too small for the open ocean for my taste.
@solo said:
Oiy, don't go changing the subject now, we are just getting into boats...
I do not currently own a boat, did a while back and it drained me to the point that I practically gave it away for free, even though we all know a boat is a hole you keep putting money in.
I now just admire them from a distance, like the Mayflower 2 (Plymouth harbor) family vacation 2010.
hey pete, show us a pic of the boat that 'made the hole'. just a pic thanks, not a render:)
mind you, seems to me that two childs is enuf for any man, unless you get em sailin? -
@ Baz, unfortunately I do not have anything digital to show, I had it back in the day of real film (some in old spools still undeveloped)
It was a 1984 Rare Cobalt CS 23 (Ski N fish)@ Dave, That day we did not get a chance to go onboard as there was a film crew there doing a history of beer segment (History on tap)...I know... "what does beer and the mayflower have in common" you ask. Well apparently there is a challenge for beer makers to create a beer that the pilgrims made/drank and the reason the Mayflower came to Plymouth is apparently because they ran out of beer and made a detour to get supplies and ended up there.