(Hover) A very interesting Challenge.
I was so many links in that I don't know how I discovered this, but it's an interesting challenge,with incredible prizes.
http://www.ronenbekerman.com/challenges/architectural-visualization-challenge-ii-hover/ -
Thanks Dale for posting this here!
Architectural Visualization Challenge II - HOVER has started on July 21st, check out the press release for more information at - http://www.box.net/shared/7buvguo8b7 or visit the [url=http://www.ronenbekerman.com/challenges/architectural-visualization-challenge-ii-hover/:1umz3igh]Main HOVER challenge page.[/url:1umz3igh]
The deadline is October 21st 2010 with 6 awards to be given + 4 more open categories with prizes that value 23,500$ in total.
Bertrand Benoit, Zoran Gorski (Kizo), and myself will be judging this challenge.
I invite you all to visit and also to join in
Well Ronen it looks like a very interesting challenge. There are some folks here that could really have some fun with it.
Hey all,
Here is a spotlight of the HOVER challenge progress... some very interesting designs so far. You are all invited to visit, add your feedback and join at - http://www.ronenbekerman.com/forums/hover-challenge-submissions/
Ronen. -
Hey all,
Here is HOVER progress spotlight 002, this time focusing on 3 entries by Francisco Koehler, Benjamin
Brosdau & Daniel James Hatton. I'll try to bring you 3 such entries each week as the challenge gos on.
You are all invited to visit, add your feedback and join at - http://www.ronenbekerman.com/forums/hover-challenge-submissions/
Ronen. -
Hey all,
Here is HOVER progress spotlight 003, this time focusing on 4 entries by Micael Dillner, Kostas Anninos, Paul Lecat & James Insley. I'll try to bring you at least 3 such entries each week as the challenge gos on.
You are all invited to visit, add your feedback and join at - http://www.ronenbekerman.com/forums/hover-challenge-submissions/
I'm also [url=http://www.ronenbekerman.com/happy-birthday-1/:1ged7hru]celebrating 1 year birthday for my blog[/url:1ged7hru] with a new miniCHALLENGE + 3 Giveaways... you are invited to visit and take part in this... and perhaps be one of the winners!
Ronen. -
Hey all,
Here is HOVER progress spotlight 004, this time focusing on 3 entries by Tom Svilans, Tolgahan Gungor & Ivo Sucur. I'll try to bring you at least 3 such entries each week as the challenge gos on.
You are all invited to visit, add your feedback and join at - http://www.ronenbekerman.com/forums/hover-challenge-submissions/
I've also posted the last of the birthday giveaways. First stage runs until Sunday 29th 12:00 GMT - you can win any 15 models you like from the DesignConnected Catalog. [url="http://www.ronenbekerman.com/designconnected-3d-model-giveaway/"]Enter here[/url].
The [url="http://www.ronenbekerman.com/minichallenge-01-brix/"]BRIX miniCHALLENGE is still running[/url] until September 15th you are invited to visit and take part in this... and perhaps be the winners of a BRIX LIFE TIME LICENSE!
Ronen, those are some fantastic designs!! BTW, how do you talk so many vendors out of their products
Great job on running these challenges
Hey all,
ONE month minus a few days left in the HOVER Challenge and here is progress spotlight 005, this time focusing on 3 entries by Jamie Holmes, Zoran Gorski, with his Judge entry & Julio Cayetano.
If you wanted to join in this is the time to do so and get it done in time too
You are all invited to visit, add your feedback and join at - http://www.ronenbekerman.com/forums/hover-challenge-submissions/
Architectural Visualization Challenge II - HOVER has ended and here are the 24 finalists that will go into the judging stage.
It was a joy to host, follow and add feedback for all the participants and I want to say thanks to all those who submitted images and visited the forums. Big thanks to all the [great sponsors[/url] of this event too
[/url] -
Great stuff, thanks for posting here!
Some mind blowing work here. Has anyone tried using the SU package supplied?
I'm proud to share with you the winning images of the HOVER Architectural Visualization Challenge.
Please visit the [url="http://www.ronenbekerman.com/the-hover-challenge-winners-selected/"]HOVER Challenge Winner Announcement Post[/url] to get all the info and here are the winner image below.
(1 to 4 places)
Absolutely stunning and varied work. Congratulations to all.
Thanks Ronen