Hidden Attribute in Dynamic Components
Hey guys!
I'm just starting out with Dynamic Components and am slowly working my way through it all. At the moment my small project is working on a brick wall component, that uses the scale tool to extend in either direction, with each brick being actually modeled, as opposed to a texture. My current dilemma is with the 'Hidden' attribute.
You see, I'd like to make it that if the user has scaled the brick wall to only be one course (for those that don't know, that's one layer of brick and mortar) high that it only shows one course. I was trying to do this by adding an IF statement in the 'Hidden' attribute box, but it doesn't seem to like it! Is there another way around this? Preferably without the use of Ruby (as I'd like to use this component on any PC without worrying about scripts) and if possible without using 'Component Options', although I think that might end up being necessary!
Thanks in advanced!
Hi Nathan and welcome to SCF!
Not s if I were of any help but under the main SU Discussions we have a dedicated DC Subforum (I have moved your topic here now).
Hopefully someone more knowledgeable in DC's will soon chime in.
Oh thanks! Sorry for the mishap!
No problem at all - things may appear a bit cluttered for new members here I believe.
I made a DC of shake siding that alternates the visibility of the 1/2-width shingle. I don't think it's the best example, but maybe it will give you some better ideas.
You can download it in the following topic:
On a second reading... it seems like you want to use the built-in COPIES attribute.
So if the LenZ of the Component is at or below a certain value (min height of a course), then the number of copies of the coarse is 0.
Otherwise, the value of COPIES is equal to (something like) the LenZ of the component divided by the height of a single coarse.
Found this model on the 3d Warehouse: