Recent Works Gallery :::::
very inspiring work freeagent...happy to see you posting again. Keep it up.
i am terriblily in love with ur architecture art
Hey man, i just want to say that you're one of my rendering heroes during those early asgvis gallery/forum days. I just chanced upon this thread and boy your work's still is an eye candy. Superb Postpro work. I'm just wondering, are those cars still sketchup, PS or max?
Congratulations free agent!
I have to agree with most of the posts before mine, saying that your work is VERY inspiring.
Another great indirect suggestion which comes from your work is "never be disappointed from your render". I'm generally wrong when I think " I want to get the perfect archviz straight out of the box": your base renders are nice, but have nothing to deal with the last output! So, thank you for sharing your work (most of all the before and after postproduction phase!) and keep up the excellent work.PS. don't mind about stupid clients: world is filled with ignorants.
Would you share some info on your render process? -
Everyone who commented basically covered my thoughts. Very inspirational....thanks for sharing. Want to say more but I'm speechless.
Oh! Pics did you do that dome? I have to do something similar for a museum lobby.
Nothing special just snapshots!! wait!!.. they are renders really?
HI honestly Im very much impressed how realistic a render can get..I have one question, Can anything as awesome be done without the intervention of Max. That expensive platform that many use only to stage a 3rd party renderer?
@cuttingedge said:
HI honestly Im very much impressed how realistic a render can get..I have one question, Can anything as awesome be done without the intervention of Max. That expensive platform that many use only to stage a 3rd party renderer?
Yes, Solo models exclusively with Sketchup, and renders mainly with Thea for Sketchup. See his work here:
These are incredible! Postproduction is top-notch, it would be really great to see the video of the process, these are really inspiring!
Really amazing and inspiring work.
What plugin did you use to model the tensile glass roof structure?
SilverShadow sent me here and I'm so glad he did. A real pleasure to see this work. Inspirational. I'm not a fan of 2D cutouts... but, this is some of the best use I've seen.