Material Importing
I downloaded some jpeg images I want to use in my materials folder for use in a model. It shows up in materials folder as the file I downloaded but I can't see it. Need someone to walk me through this please.
Ah, got. Thanx guys !
Sektchup uses the SKM file format for its materials. to bring in a JPEG go to File>Import>jpeg image. Click the "Use as Texture" button. Attach it to the surface you want, scale it, rotate it, etc until it's where it needs to be. Then in your Materials Palette if you click on the little house icon, "Materials Used in Model" you will see it there. From there you can drag it to the Appropriate Materials library folder for future use as well.
You know you're in trouble when you got me giving HOW TO info, but I was at hand and that is how I do it. Good luck.D