[WIP] German Tramway
Looks great, good modelling skills and the render is nice and clean too and shows it off perfectly.
Looking good.
I can't read Deutsche. What does that say on the tram? Something about "Please... Stop" or "No stopping on tracks?"
I'm probably way off base here.
"please keep distance, large curves rash"
don't know if google translated right, I think rash is the wrong word.
@jo-ke said:
"please keep distance, large curves rash"
don't know if google translated right, I think rash is the wrong word.
Yeah a 'rash' is what you get on your skin from for example an allergic reaction
I can see why Google translated it wrong. In this case I suppose Kurvenausschlage means that the rear of the vehicle has a large operating-radius in bends (the body extends far beyond the rear axle)...
On topic: Great progress man, I like the shot with the buildings behind it very much. Are you planning on modelling the interior as well?
Great work Jo
Could I suggest that you consider showing some wear and tear (dirt) on the tram. I think it would blend in better with the scene. I am not sure how this could be done. Maybe others might have ideas.
@mike lucey said:
Great work Jo
Could I suggest that you consider showing some wear and tear (dirt) on the tram. I think it would blend in better with the scene. I am not sure how this could be done. Maybe others might have ideas.
Yes that was my idea too, but I also didn't know how to do it. I thought about the bumpmap of Gaieus' "Fachwerkhaus" that I've seen here a few days ago. The tram looks to plane and to clean.
Yes Jo, that looks a lot better. There must be a way of getting some 'dirt' in here somehow. I will see shat I can find out. The obvious thing to do is to ask Pete and I will do this. Let's hope that he knows how this could be achieved.
It DOES look good.
Good Job, very close to reality . I join Mike about the "dirty aspect", it would give thickness.
@jo-ke said:
a nightscene with that tram and a su-foggy-scene (is there any chance to render fog?)
If you are using Twilight, you can overlay a depth render to simulate fog>>>Advanced render settings->Clay #4
Nice job so far, I'm enjoying seeing it take shape