How observers work ?
@thomthom said:
@dan rathbun said:
(1) Jim did not subclass from Sketchup::ShadowInfoObserver
No need. Su doesn't care. Just implement the methods required.
I knew that Sketchup does't (currently,) check the observer's superclass.
But isn't it a matter of good Ruby programming practice?
And, what if (in the future,) Google implements some built-in methods, constants, etc. in the superclass that will need to be inherited by your custom observer's subclass(es)? You'd have to go and edit and re-release all your plugins that use observer's.
@dan rathbun said:
But isn't it a matter of good Ruby programming practice?
Probably is. But combining several observers into one class sure is handy at times.
@unknownuser said:
This works for me:
This works for me too. Perfect. Thanks a lot.
I thought I was doing something basically wrong because the code above was't "my code". It was from the API documentation... strange
I'm still having trouble with this observer.
Now the event is fired whenever I change the shadowinfo settings and I see a messagebox (see below). That's fine so far.
But I'm not able to overwrite this messagebox-method with my own method.
I wrote the following:class SO < Sketchup;;ShadowInfoObserver def onShadowInfoChanged(info, type) UI.messagebox("test the observer") end end
...but still the same message as shown above appears..
What have I done wrong ?Thanks for your help...
MD -
@pvbuero said:
I'm still having trouble with this observer.
...but still the same message as shown above appears..
What have I done wrong ?Jim's version is still being loaded, probably AFTER your version, so your's gets redefined by his version.
Also it's best to restart Sketchup for testing. (Otherwise you have to detatch the old observer instance, redefine the variable to point to a new instance of your new observer class, and attach the new observer instance.)
@dan rathbun said:
Jim's version is still being loaded, probably AFTER your version, so your's gets redefined by his version.
Also it's best to restart Sketchup for testing. (Otherwise you have to detatch the old observer instance, redefine the variable to point to a new instance of your new observer class, and attach the new observer instance.)Hello Dan,
I have restarted sketchup and I've no idea where Jim's version should come from ? I deleted it and replaced it by my code...
Thanks MD
Have you tried giving it a unique name?
Or even better wrap your code into a unique module to avoid namespace collision. -
@pvbuero said:
I have restarted sketchup and I've no idea where Jim's version should come from ? I deleted it and replaced it by my code...
It has to come froma script file in the Plugins folder.
if you write a script that opens the Console first thing (name it !!!first.rb or something with exclamtion points so it gets loaded first,) and then in that set
you will see warnings issued to the Console whenever a method is overwritten.The problems you have are because you have too many things in the Plugins folder.
This is why ThomThom suggested MOST scripts should be in subfolders (and loaded with a loader script.)The easiest way to test is to rename the Plugins folder to something else "_Plugins"
and make a new Plugins folder.
Put the script under test in the new folder and load Sketchup. Test it.
If it works then there is a problem script in the "real" Plugins folder. -
Thanks a lot. You're answers are a great help for me as an absolute beginner...
... I'll try your suggestions this evening and give you a feedback. -
thanks to Dans suggestion
I solved the problem. There was a second testing script which obviously overwrote the script I was working on. I deleted it and everything worked as I intended.
Thanks to all of you for your help.
MD -
@dan rathbun said:
@thomthom said:
@dan rathbun said:
(1) Jim did not subclass from Sketchup::ShadowInfoObserver
No need. Su doesn't care. Just implement the methods required.
I knew that Sketchup does't (currently,) check the observer's superclass.
But isn't it a matter of good Ruby programming practice?
And, what if (in the future,) Google implements some built-in methods, constants, etc. in the superclass that will need to be inherited by your custom observer's subclass(es)? You'd have to go and edit and re-release all your plugins that use observer's.
Kind of seem to be by design: