Is there any way to connect endpoints?
I'm having a few troubles with drawing shapes onto flat surfaces (they are defintiely flat!) and am just wondering if there's a plug-in to join end points together?
I'm sure we've all been there where you have drawn a shape on an face but it doesn't make a face, so you have to trace over and over and over and over and over and over ..... you get the idea!
Any suggestions appreciated.
Sorry if this has come up before, I searched but couldn't find it.
If it is really and "definitely" on face (and of course, the edges are all connected to a closed loop, too), you can try to select everything (the face and all the supposed to be edges of the face), right click on the selection > Intersect > ...selected. This should also form the face.
SU sometimes does not form a face this way either. Then try to connect endpoints of opposite edges until you can fill all the shape or at least find where the glitch can be. Later (if they are really coplanar), you can erase these connecting lines. If you lose the face again this way, they are definitely not coplanar somewhere.