Tube that gets wider. How to do this
Im trying to make a kind of tube around a window on a model. Normally I would use followme, but this tube gets wider when I go around. Are there any speciel trick to make it follow the lines around?
You can see what I mean in the attachment. The arcs I have made are just to show how its supposed to be.
A tube that gets wider could be made with a little help from plugins like this one: -
Thank you, I will give it a try and see if I can make it work.
I am pretty sure there are many other ways to accomplish that, 2 faces+path was just the the first thing that came to my mind.
If it helps, that´s good. -
I have been trying to make it work now, but it only makes some weird faces that are not even close.
And if I do it in sections, one side doesn't fit.
Any other tips what I can try?
Extrusion tools by TIG ? -
no need for plugins...
Tutorial creating a wider curve.skp -
Hehe... that´s a neat solution indeed.
And a much closer to what he actually needs - and that is definitely not a kind of tube that I had in mind. -
Thx for your help. I actually did it the manual way with the curves, but man it took alot of time. It wasn't enough to do it with only a couple of curves, there where many
I might have done something wrong because it took me over an hours just to fill the gaps and make it end correctly at the bottom. Will give it a try again.
Btw the second plugin from numbthumb actually worked well, but it can't do all of it.
Thanks guys and have a great weekend!
Well, hand-stitching indeed takes a looot of time. However, Extrusion tools by TIG is worth having in any case - an entire suite that makes a life easier. Something in there will suit your needs, for sure.
Hope you have a nice weekend too!