Multiple Set() attributes for onClick behavior
I don't think this can be done, but thought I would ask if I could attach multiple behaviors to an onClick behavior. In my case when the user clicks I want to add an extra row and column. Or a row on one click, and then a column on the next click.
I think I could get this to work if I created a statement looking for odd vs. even, and then took different action based on that. But I also still want to user to be able to manually set the rows and columns. If I use a formula for the number of rows and columns, do I give up the ability for the user to manually override and choose their own value?
OK, it looks like they can manually override. but then the formula is lost. I guess not too bad. They can have the click interactivity at first, but once they manually change, then it wont' work on this instance, unless they re-load (which would loose other data)
just seperate the Set() attributes with a semicolon, so it'll looking sometihng like this:
Set(); Set(); Set()
Thanks, just what I was looking for. I had tried with a space but not a semicolon.
Much easier than the hoops I was jumping through.
Are there any similar uses for the ";" that we may not know?