Need help @ texturing column
Hi all! I have one small problem with twisted colum texture :
Is there any way to add to that twist straight verical wood texture? As You can see I tried add one with UV tools plugin but it is not really correct
Any sugesstions?
Look here:
Maybe this tutorial will be helpful.Best Regards
....Please send SKP file (colum only)...
Thanks for fast reply! Here is that column:
Column.skpOk I'm finally complete that crappy column
After some adjustments and tweakings and more and more here is the result :
Damn! After closer look I can see that problem still exists:
Edited ColumnProjected texture streches on both sides and that is not what I need.
My feeble computer at work won't handle your file due to the file size but I wonder if you could split the turned part of the column into a smaller component that could be repeated to make the entire column. If the wood grain material is fairly straight, you might be able to get a believable appearance texturing just smaller section.
Using a repeating component would also reduce the file size.
Dave but as result I will have terrible tiling. Model size is not a problem for me. My pc can handle very large and complex models - I just need them to be complex for my work.
That's fine. If the wood grain material is seamless, you shouldn't have the tiling. In my experience, most wood grain images used for textures are of too small an area so by necessity, they repeat. If there's anything recognizable such as a knot or cathedral grain, they don't look very realistic. The wood grain images I use are made as 8 inches wide and 8 feet long to avoid that repetition as much as possible.
Have you tried drawing a temporary vertical face in front of the column, applying the material to that and setting it to Projected? Then sample it with the eye dropper and apply the material to the column.
As Jean would say, "Just ideas."
Yes I have tried projection stuff. It work's but not 100%. As You can see in attachmen - texture is stretched at column sides. I just think that this question must be included in next sketchup release. Maybe some plugin can handle such situations. UV tools doesn't.
Is the turned, twisted part of the column a separate component from the flat parts?
Yes. Center round detail is separated from main column with group.
Aidus, I used Whaat's UV exporter plugin and took the column into Max and just applied a simply cylindrical mapping modifier and it seems to do a little better than the one for SU. Although quite a few faces (34 to be exact) failed on the way back into SU and I had to correct them manually. I think I may have messed up the scale you had as well, but the UV's should work a little better with not stretching the edges of the texture.
Thanks for help! I just hope next su releases will contain some more texturing options