First interior model/render
First off congrats on the Speedmodel win
As for the kitchen interior, tis very impressive and nicely detailed. Lighting looks a little big IMO but that's more down to taste.
Also I'd bin the clock by the sink, last thing you need to stare while doing the dishes!!
Other than these pointless comments I like it. Reminds of a kitchen dermottcoll modelled recently and another member did an excellent NPR render of it.
Thanks Rich! You are right, the lights are a little large. Do by chance have a link to the kitchen you mentioned, I cant find it?
sorry spelt his user name wrong
Thanks for the link. Interesting to see the progression and renders from other folks. A question about interior renderings… Do you guys typically close off the room or leave a wall out for the camera?
I left the wall out but I’m not sure if that miscalculates the way the environment and light affects the room?
Nice job Captain! I think you have a pretty darn good interior render there...especially for Vue. I think blowing out the wall does make it appear that the room is very large and I think you can tell in the lighting that more light is flooding in from the missing wall than from the windows as it should. It is difficult, I know, to get enough light into an interior in Vue. Global radiosity will be the best best for interiors.
I played with it for about 5 minutes in photoshop. Hope you don't mind.
I think its great.. almost looks like it has a filter on it to make it a bit more 'artsy' it alot. i want to get into doing some Vue interiors sometime soon, myself. thanks for sharing.
@earthmover said:
Nice job Captain! I think you have a pretty darn good interior render there...especially for Vue. I think blowing out the wall does make it appear that the room is very large and I think you can tell in the lighting that more light is flooding in from the missing wall than from the windows as it should. It is difficult, I know, to get enough light into an interior in Vue. Global radiosity will be the best best for interiors.
I played with it for about 5 minutes in photoshop. Hope you don't mind.
Hey Adam thanks for the compliments, It cooked with GR for about 40 minutes at 600 dpi on the 'final' setting, considering those settings it leaves much to be desired. So when you use Vray do you close off the room? Any thoughts on how to get better interior lighting results from Vue or is it hopeless? Here is one I tried only this time I closed off the room. Some real funky stuff going on with the lighting....
@marked001 said:
I think its great.. almost looks like it has a filter on it to make it a bit more 'artsy' it alot. i want to get into doing some Vue interiors sometime soon, myself. thanks for sharing.
Thanks, for this particular render I agree the style looks cool. It's just frustrating because I can’t take that 'filter' off if I wanted too, lol.
Hi CaptainLS
I try to keep the room as is to get the best representation of the actual space but I am really new to rendering and therefore cannot give you advice on taking walls out or leaving them in - I ask the experts here for help when I need it - I think trial and error will help with the lighting - big big learning curve for rendering and one which takes many many hours to climb!!! My first renders are no where near as good as yours so keep it up. Well done
I don't do a lot of interior work, but the little I've done has always maintained all walls in the room, except the one time that I used Vue for the interior and I was in the same boat. I had to blow out a wall to get the right amount of light bouncing. There are a lot of tricks with interior rendering. A lot of guys will put some kind of area or omni light in the room outside the view of the camera, as needed to give the right amount of light bounces to get the proper fill light. Some will put area lights outside the windows shining in. Sometimes, it all comes down to the glass material you use for the windows...try hiding the glass and re-rendering to see if its a material issue. You could also add a supplementary HDRI image to add some additional ambient and fill lighting. Personally, I always think interiors are best rendered with an unbiased renderer as it will give you the best results without all the little tricks. With the right staging though, nothing will top Vray for fast and realistic interiors.
You could also take a look at the interior pack for Vue by Chipp Walters. Seems he is getting some good results with Vue.
I agree with Adam, and disagree with many on the Vue forums when it comes to interiors.
Vue is not good at interiors! You can spend hours setting up and messing around to fake it, but still the results are not great. Vue is fantastic for exteriors, there is no arguement there.