An Intro and a Question
Hello All, just wanted to introduce myself. My name's Jim, and have been using sketchup for a few years. Nothing serious, just more as a visualizing tool for my woodworking projects. Anyway, I'm getting into some more detailed design work and have a question regarding creating components.
I created a simple component modeling a sheet of 12mm Baltic Birch plywood. I used a combined texture for the edges to simulate the different ply's and then a birch texture over both faces. Is there anyway to make the component automatically apply these textures when creating a dado, rabbet, or other cut out instead of reapplying the textures to the newly exposed faces manually?
I don't know if this is even possible, but what a time saver if it was. Please help this newb save a little time and clicking on the mouse. -
Hi Jim,
Except for some rather rare cases (like PushPulling a face on which projected material has been applied), SU won't generate textured faces - or at least you can almost be sure that they will not be textured with the material you wish and especially not positioned correctly - so the manual work remains unfortunately.
And welcome to the forums - if you don't mind, I have added you to the Woodworkers' usergroup so you can see / post in that (otherwise hidden) forum (see the index page somewhere below).
Well, that's too bad. It doesn't seem like it would be a very difficult thing to implement, at least for objects without curves. Oh well, thank you for the invite to the woodworking discussion, that should be fun.
Well if you're inside a component working, and instead of painting the geomtery inside you just paint the outside of the component, and thenleave allf aces inside the default SU color, SU will automatically paint everything insde that component for you. Mind you it does not actually paint the geomtry inside, it just looks like it does. But it might work for what you need?
Well, Chris, then how about texture positioning and such?