Some GOOD News! Whales no longer singing the blues?
Hi Guys,
This article is interesting,
It seems that there maybe proof of an increase in the Blue Whale population, the article says,
'Endangered blue whales appear to be singing a happier song according to researchers studying the haunting sounds these huge mammals broadcast beneath the waves. Specifically, a drop in frequency has been noticed and a list of possible causes have been examined - from climate change to a rise in human-produced ocean noise - but it seems the explanation could actually be a positive one. It's believed the drop may be caused by the increase of blue whale numbers following bans on commercial whaling activities … in other words, the males don’t need their voices to travel as far to attract a mate.'
If this is true, it is great news and offers some hope that humans can live in harmony with Nature / God, thought I'd stick the God comment in to 'spark' some people
I hope that there is also good progress made at UN Climate Change Conference 2009 I have a feeling, this time around World Leaders will actually pull their heads out of the sand. Except poor old Mr Berlusconi as I imagine he is having his head pieced back together
@unknownuser said:
I hope that there is also good progress made at UN Climate Change Conference 2009 I have a feeling, this time around World Leaders will actually pull their heads out of the sand.
Unfortunately, our hopes and expectations were not met. What is happening only in the minds of politicians? When will we see all finally that we have only one Earth. The Earth still belongs to all human beings, or am I wrong?
But have a look at the people who live on this earth! Who is willing to reduce his claim to the benefit of all humanity. The first thing we need to do is to see ourself in the mirror. The politicians are only the image of our societies.
Only when we are all ready to deliver something, then anything will change . Only when people are in pain then they will do something about it.
Coincidentally, just yesterday I watched the documentary "The Cove". Though it's not directly about blue whales it is related and does speak to how fisheries operate and push the ban. Check out and
. Diego .
We humans do not own the earth - we are supposed to be its guardians - but are we making some mess of it. We are a lost cause and when the other "beings" out there see what we are doing to our planet they wont come near us with a forty "light year " pole. We are toxic and why woula anyone want a toxic sesspool like the one we are creating. I personally feel we are way too far down the line to change our destiny of leaving a burnt and scarred planet for future generations.
And we will not change our ways no matter how much we complain, petition, demonstrate, and make scary apocalyptic documentaries as $$$ rules this world and lobbyists control our governments.
Like agent Smith of Matrix said "I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague, and we are the cure."
100% behind him on that one!!
Hi Dermot and Pete,
I agree with both of you.
I disagree in the generalization. As long as there are a few nagging voices there will always be some hope.
I saw something on Discovery a few days ago that concerned me. Some guy in the USA, it sounded like 'Ray Kurtfield' but I could not source the guy. Anyway this very rich businessman is taking all kinds of vitamins in the hope that he will live another ten years (at the time of filming he was 58) and avail of medical procedures that will prolong his life for an extra 100 years plus!
The documentary raised the question that human society might not only be split into the 'have' and 'have not' humans but also there will be the 'super haves' with very much extended life spans.
So guys, keep yourselves fit and save the bucks and in ten / twenty year time you might be able to add an extra 100 years onto your lifespans and the best of luck to you if you do
@mike lucey said:
I saw something on Discovery a few days ago that concerned me. Some guy in the USA, it sounded like 'Ray Kurtfield' but I could not source the guy.
Ray Kurzweil. See
Most of the people I know that know him think he's a bit nuts. -
The theses of Ray Kurzweil are interesting, but hide a lot of important, related aspects. Harry Nick pulled the seniors' club on 27.6.00, the following conclusions:
1 As demonstrated by recent historical experience, all sorts of scientific and technological discoveries and inventions actually will be made and implemented
This will mean that the man in the 21st Century, even with genetically improved computer technology intelligently arming
It is impossible to say from the outset whether the humans will be able to control these developments and to keep costs under control, rather no than yes
If a man wants to have a chance of survival, he has no choice but to ban and to establish mandatory signs and organize society around the world so as to ensure that these commands and prohibitions are enforced. This is not a dictator can be open and pluralistic, whether it succeeds. But it is the only chance. One will not do: Prohibit the evolution.
Yeah Tim, Ray Kurzweil, that's the guy! Mmmmm nuts eh Must follow those links