Is there a way to toggle materials on a model?
It seems I always need to show materials options, is there any way to toggle materials? I have always thought not, but have not kept up with ruby development lately....
I do know workarounds that involve copying parts of the model to be toggled to different layers, etc.....
Donna -
Face Style
Hi Donna,
Assuming that you mean different opposed to Materials/Plain colour in the Face options...then this would be a job for Dynamic Components. The code for switching materials is not complicated and faily easy to pick-up. Examples of this are already in the component browser. The colours of the clothing on the 2 kids with the dog can easily be switched around using the component options button. You can do this with textures too...not just simple colours. The only requirement is that all required materials must already be in the model. You can often do this by having small swatches of the different materials hidden underneath the model...or even paint edges with materials; even though you can't see them, as the default line style is black.
Google provides quite a bit of help on all aspects of DCs...and material switching is one of the easiest functions.Of course, this can only be done in the Pro version. You can't make DCs with the free version....just use them.
@alan fraser said:
Hi Donna,
Assuming that you mean different materials..Well, well, well, Alan. You may just have given me the reason to blow the however many hundred bucks for the Pro version!
Many, many thanks, this is welcome information.