Locate camera...
...isn't there a ruby to pinpoint the camera location? I'm thinking of trying some "hall of mirrors" effects, but need to draw sight lines more exactly from the camera...can anyone help?
Film and Stage? ...I dunno where it is tho...
Oh here it is, about 2/3 of the way down: http://sketchup.google.com/download/previousplugins.html
Did you try CameraLines? If it doesn't do what you want, let me know and I'll see if either there's something else that already does what you want, or if I can mod CameraLines to do what you want.
A couple instruction/tutorial videos for Film and Stage...hope this helps
Hey, Marcus...thanks a bunch for all your investigation, I've been meaning to learn something about this plug-in and now all the info is in one place! Does it work with SU7...I only see the download for SU5?
Rick, thanks...just the thing I was looking for right now (i.e. no work for me: just download and do :`) and works great for my purpose!
@tomsdesk said:
Does it work with SU7...I only see the download for SU5?
Yep, Film and Stage does work with SU7...I have it installed now. You can create cameras and it will show each one and their lines of sight - it really has a lot of advanced features, see the pic for a list of the cameras it simulates.
Cool...I'll check it out for sure, thanks again!
Moved the thread to the Developer's forum. We have reorganized so that the Plugin section is only a list of plugins you can download and use.