Software to Size Photo Entourage
OK, I am getting to understand it now.
This means however that no animation export is possible with it, am I correct? -
well, not in the same way as in SketchUp.
However, you can save each one of your steps and you can save all of the "positioned" entourage in a separate file.
Then when you import in an alternative view of the same model, you can easily apply all of your saved painting steps and read in the entourage which will now be positioned in the same spots relative to this view.
It also can paint up Panoramas -
@sorgesu said:
It also can paint up Panoramas
I do not really understand the rest (now) but THIS is very interesting (and of course, exciting and encouraging)
Could you elaborate, my dearest Zsuzsa?
Egan, edesem.
Here's an answer from the Piranesi Forum:
Originally Posted by snoopywang
Hi, Andy
If you want to make a panorama, you just need to export files from 3d software (for example: Microgds
Vedute (companion software to Piranesi)
3dStudio MAX
3dstudio VIZ
Microstation )as a *.epp format.
Then you can easily realize your dream in Piranesi. Later, you just export files from Piranesi as *.mov format so that you may see it in QuickTime.
Further from another Contributor:
Each MOV file has a series of hot spots. these can be displayed in the viewer by clicking the (?) icon. try them they are quite fun, you can also zoom in or out by using the shift button to zoom in and Ctrl button to zoom out.
all the cut-outs were added in Piranese, the good thing was that as Piranesi recognises the real world locations for the cut-outs I only needed to place them once then import them for the other epp files.
obviously sparcle, lights and general softening of the image was done in Piranesi.
we will try and compress these to make them more managable for the web.See them here: -
The links are dead.
(Yet of course, I believe you - it would just be nice to see some examples...
Try again, I replaced the link.
Yeah, this is cool. So it's Piranesi output?
yup yup
OK, I am bought. Count me in as a supporter of any kind of nice development (ehm... maybe not really financially at this very moment but maybe during the next couple of months)
except I'm talking about not having all these features at all in the "stripped down" version for the Photorealists.