A dynamic component in a dynamic component
a dynamic component in a dynamic component
by carlogonzalez on Tue November 24, 2009 7:31 pmvoila I created a CDynamique (a cinderblock wall), everything works, I
can adjust the length, thickness and the cinderblock wall height.
when I made a composantDy with 4 walls of that ComDy. to come
Just the coats of the slab (length width) component Dy wall
is inside the component dy house not responded more as a component
dynamic, it is freezing. Similarly, in the attribute window, if it has
former group (block 20X20X40 a cinder block) that we made a first
dynamic component to put a cinderblock on the other, in
This window was the name of the component "wall" with all the below
group "cinder block".
whereas if we make a dynamic component "home" call of faith 4
the dynamic component "wall".
in the window attribute is more than, comp house, below, wall 1,
wall etc. 2. and nothing else, the subgroup "cinder block" of component
dynamic "wall" no longer appear, well, there are more dynamic.
there is also a solution for the future it does not suits me: do not
a single component with all the dynamics inside cinder block name
"mur1 cinder block, cinder block wall 2" to the various fronts.
I already made but I pose problems for later
related specifications, carpentry etc..