@dave r said:
I'm not usually attracted to shiny objects but the other day I saw the Intuous4 at Staples and got to wondering how well it works with SketchUp. Does anyone have any experience with one of these things? Is it better than working with a mouse? I'm a lefty so I guess I'd be doing a lot of those things I've been doing with my right hand and the mouse on the opposite side. Seems like a good thing in some respects since I tend to use the number keypad a lot so I go back and forth between mouse and keyboard.
I think You may find more useful the 3dspace navigator, and they have some other 3d mouse you may like.
Thanks for the comments folks.
Bravoddb, I've got one of those. I don't like it.
Yes, the Spacemouse. I've also got one of those....and it's also in the cupboard! Mine isn't the Navigator, it's the older all-black PC only one. While the action is nice and smooth, it has no concept of the 'ground' so my house/ model just spins in space. Walkthrough and look-around, and SU's built-in collision physics are completely disabled. Shame. Have you had any better experience with these?
Tablets are better for neck strain, because you are hardly moving your arms. I'm 6'6" tall too, I think this also has an effect- as no furniture is ever built for me!! Apparently there was an old way of measuring using your arm. If only new houses were built this way , so you buy a new house like you buy a new pair of shoes- anthropometric data changes for each house depending on your size!
Out of curiosity Dave, do you "mouse" with your left hand or right?
Being a righty, I am was considering getting a left-handed keyboard because the number-pad is on the left. Then my right hand could stay on the mouse, and the VCB entry is done with my left.
Jim, I do "mouse" with my right hand. It's one of those righty things like cutting with scissors I've learned to do because there's rarely a lefty version around. I've thought of getting a left handed mouse but I don't want to switch back and forth between mice on the various computers I use. I wasn't aware of a left handed keyboard but then I haven't looked.
I was thinking I could probably get all the mouse controls with the Intuous4 and get some better control for drawing freehand in SketchUp as well as other applications. this would leave my right hand free for the numeric keypad.
It would be great if someone locally had one I could try before I buy one. Staples does have a decent return policy so I might ask them about it.
@dave r said:
It would be great if someone locally had one I could try before I buy one. Staples does have a decent return policy so I might ask them about it.
It's a shame that you're in the States, as you could have had mine for free. I'm not using it. If someone else can get better use out of it? It cost Β£100 or so.
That's nice of you. What size is it?
I seem to remember it being A6 in size. It's silver with transparent plastic. I can't seem to find it in the cupboard- which means it's in the loft. I'll dig it out next week (I need all this week to dedicate to getting this model finished).
No hurry. I appreciate it though.
I still want to figure out if it would be the sort of thing I would use.