I found a fix for Laptops with NVIDIA problems!
If you try to run Sketchup on a laptop with Vista and it will open but locks up when you click anything on the main window try this! Download a simple model from the warehouse and save it to MY DOCUMENTS. Then double click it so it opens with Sketchup!!!!! Thats all I did, it seems to work like a backdoor for me. I have the NVIDIA GE Force GO chipset and Sketchup would lock up permanently when the Instructor window would open. If you do it this way the Instructor doesnt pop up and it works great, I didnt even have to change my Open GL settings, in fact I enabled hardware accel and it works perfectly!
Now glad to hear this, Roy. In fact, I now remember that this was a workaround with early Vista users (probably because video drivers were not up-to-date for Vista back then).