Sketchup Pro 7.1 Slowness
I have a Mac Pro with 6GB RAM, 2 quad core Xeon 3 Ghz processors, NVDIA Geforce 8800 GT gfx card and plenty of HD space, using Snow LeopardI've used SU since version 4 (I think) but recently am having terrible trouble.
I have a feeling something may be going wrong with the hardware because it's getting much worse.
If I save a file, it takes maybe 20-30 seconds on a fairly simple model (which in the past would have been maybe 5 secs)
If I use any style other than the default ones, I get the spinning beach ball for maybe a minute or two before the style displays, and then it's near on impossible to do any work on the model as it slows down to an un-workable pace.
This was never the case previously, and I think I have a fairly fast machine.Are the 2 issues related (saving, displaying styles)?
What would slow down displaying a sketchy hand drawn style for example? Not enough RAM, not enough Video RAM , processor speed or HD?
I'm really at a loss. I've been thinking of adding extra RAM or an EVGA GeForce GTX 285 video card, but don't want to spend hundreds of pounds if it won't make much difference.I use SU Pro for work, so it's really important to me that it runs smoothly.
I have recently done a fresh install of OS X 10.6 from scratch, and a fresh install of SU, so I don't think it's a software issue.
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
try turning on hardware acelaration from (mac version) sketchup -> preferences -> OpenGL and then make sure the hardware accelaration box is ticked
@ultimatez 32 said:
try turning on hardware acelaration from (mac version) sketchup -> preferences -> OpenGL and then make sure the hardware accelaration box is ticked
It's on already I'm afraid but thanks
did you update your videocard drivers?