Rendering failed
Every now and again a page comes up with a red cross through it saying- Rendering failed-reduce the image size or DPI. usually restarting Lo fixes the problem but not there is one page that I cannot print.
How do I actually change the DPI and what causes this problem which seems to be random?
This is (afaik) a memory issue (lack of enough memory for the very huge image to render).
Under File > Document setup > Paper, at the bottom, there are two resolution settings. One for editing (this should generally be either at medium or even low to speed up LO) and one for output quality which should be higher for final print/export.
Now if there is still some issue with the output, you may need to lower it there.
High would be 300dpi
Medium 150 dpi
and Low something like 96 maybeNote that LO actually creates png images for output. Now with a huge size and high resolution, you can even count how much memory is needed for that.
Thank Gaieus, That seems to help.
Regards Philip