All Ancient Rome models from 3DWarehouse together
Some screens of other interiors:
[url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] [url=][img:2ygf9ust][/img:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust]Also the model is presented in 3D Warehouse
[url:2ygf9ust][/url:2ygf9ust] -
¡¡¡Dios mio!!!
Marvelous !
Beautiful, the only thing that is missing is the parking lot for the horses and the carriages.
I have made some panoramas of my baths of Caracalla in Kerkythea in the same manner as Aerilius has made the panorama of my basilica of Maxentius.
So, the palestra:
[flash=500,400:gryi075y][/flash:gryi075y]The big apse:
[flash=500,400:gryi075y][/flash:gryi075y]The frigidarium:
[flash=500,400:gryi075y][/flash:gryi075y]The main hall:
[flash=500,400:gryi075y][/flash:gryi075y] -
Ha! Great!
I believe I'm in the real baths of Caracalla.
Try a bit to use more material settings: in the material editor, you can give ca. 40% specularity to the columns and the marble. (I also once used 10% reflection, but I'd rather not do that again because it needs much time to calculate).
In addition, the marble textures could be a bit larger and less repeating (If I find something, I'll post it) -
And two other ones on the KT forums:
then a nice terrazzo material: only I knew how to deal with procedurals)
I tried to render it.
Unfortunately my computer was not able to export the model completely. So there are some materials and column capitals missing.
(It stopped after 364 MB xml-file)
A really complex and enormous work that you've done.
If you like, you can have the water and the black marble texture
(I added some procedurals, so there is more texture variation).
In Kerkythea, you can click on "Settings" -> "Materials"
In the Material workshop on the right side on "open" -> "import" -> choose this zip file.
Then you can select a model and a material from the library, right click, "apply to left pane". -
Aerilius and Gaieus, thanks a lot for advices and textures!
I continue to experiment with Kerkythea, and here is my first attempt to use specular and reflection options in material editor:[flash=500,400:d8w8beuh][/flash:d8w8beuh]
Some problem with lightting are always appear in Kerkythea (red or green shining near the columns, statues etc)
Very nice, thanks for sharing these!
Maybe a bit too shiny here and there but you will get it eventually.What resolution are you exporting them from Kerky? (and they are made with the spherical lense, aren't they)?
Also, how much time does it take to render such a panorama?
Thanks, I agree it have to be less shiny, but it's my first attempt and I'll try to have more realistic renderings.
The resolution is 2816x2112. Yes, they are made with the spherical lense, as aerilius made.
The last panorama has been rendered for 13 hours. -
Well, once one discovers these possibilities with shininess and all, tends to overdo it at the beginning - no problem. I did the same and probably many others, too.
2800 something is not even too big. Nice quality for the small size!
Wow! I have to admit, I stopped my last panorama after about 20h (due to the fog), I normally never render so long, but I could not resist.
My monastery model is much less complex. A normal render (photon mapping medium) in the highest proposed resolution took about 3h. 2816x2112 sounds much, but if you like to zoom into the panorama, you see the limit of this resolution. I tried higher resolution, but Kerkythea crashed.
@Danik: Great improvement. As you see, be careful with reflection because it can much increase render time. In "scene" there is a setting for soft shadows. The glowing light sparks are due to the global ilumination problem (every face reflects at least a little light to every other face, light rays in every possible direction). We used "Photon Mapping" which is only an approximation to solve this (in contrast to "Metropolis Light Transport" which could take you years).
Possible solutions:
In "Render" -> "Setup" -> "Global Ilumination" you can choose the method "Photon Mapping" and use "many photons" or more. Alternatively I have had good experiences with the method "Diffuse Interreflection". -
OK, although not a "Classic" and not even in Rome (a 4th century basilica in my home town), but the first panorama I could export with a decent quality:
It was exported as 6 sides of a box of a QTVR (QuickTime Virtual Tour) from Twilight and put together in GoCubic. With "good" quality settings (between medium and best) and optimised for streaming, it is less than 1 Mb!
And yes, I know that I have to redo the lights. In fact, this panorama is the first time when I see some mistakes (others were apparent before).
Looks great Gaieus. Some seriously good work in this thread!
Thanks, Cadmunkey.
I have also fixed those weird shadows - not the panorama is a bit cleaner.
No paintings? Were fragments of paintings found in the archeological exavation?
That white walls are not very roman, although I know that Spain is not Hungary...
(And yes, good work and so on...
No paintings were found but some evidence of plastering. As this project must be as minimalist as possible (with a reconstruction, you always have to go for the "simplest possible" solution to avoid being influenced by your imagination and romantic sentiments), this is how "archaeologically" it can be done.
Then, is I wish, I can add frescos when I export it into a game engine
@gaieus said:
Then, is I wish, I can add frescos when I export it into a game engine
Which one? You can count on me
(if you want).