Morph shape to shape?
Newbie here still having fun on the vertical learning curve
[I'd like to put in another plug for the rather useful series of Sketchup tutorials and notes by Dave Richards which I've been working my way through with great interest. Realworld applications, very helpful.]
It has occurred to me that so far I have not seen any Sketchup tool for morphing one shape into another smoothly. Maybe this is simple to do with existing SU tools and methods? Say I have a rectangle and a cylinder, which I smash together... is there any SU tool which will morph smoothly over N units of distance from one x-section to the other? (Still working on transitions between sections of complex hull forms).
My personal SU mystery of the week is why the Explode cmd is hidden waaay down in a context menu
I've dragged it out to a key binding, since I use it constantly.
Another random observation: my old (and now rare) Touchstream keyboard is a godsend for SU... navigation is far more intuitive with the TS gesture set. That was a company that shoulda stayed in business
a great loss to the mousing world, imho. Anyone else out there using a TS?
See if this plugin by Krill does what you want...
@d12dozr said:
See if this plugin by Krill does what you want...
that certainly looks like the ticket!
many thanks