Object Animation
I just realized I posted this question under Sketchy Physics forum and didn't mean too. Here's my question.
I'm fairly new to 3D modeling and animation and am still figuring stuff out. Can someone help me with which plug in is the best for animating objects within a scene? I've been using Smooth Animation and it works pretty well except that when I export the animation, there are still pauses between scenes. I need something that will take those pauses out, if possible. I don't think the Smooth Animation plug-in was necessarily created for object animation.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also, I'm not a real "techno" so the simpler the plug-in the better Thanks!
So use Mover !
Problem is the animation is not exported!
So must use a screen Snaptshot like Camestudio ! (free) -
thanks. I'll give it a try!
Another solution : Use Twilight for render the Mover animation!
You will have a perfect quality but maybe a longer timer to render
By Ecuadorian