[REQ] Grasshopper for Sketchup
I admit, it is a long shot, but whoever would develop this would be kissed by architects all over the world.
Currently, Grasshopper is a free 'generative modeling' extension to Rhino.
The stuff you can produce with it is simply stunning.Grasshopper
Grasshopper™ is a graphical algorithm editor tightly integrated with Rhino’s 3-D modeling tools.
One can only wish.....
Designed using Grashopper, built in the real world (mlab.cca.edu)
Yes yes yes yes and yes please!
wow yes please
I wish my ruby skills were up to this, looks like a wicked program (technically plugin, but looks beefy enough to be called a program in my eyes.)
edit: scrap that next bit, just found a 160 page grasshopper tutorial. Now to read it.
Any more details about how it works? and the workflow would be interesting as well. havent got sound on my computer at the moment so watching the tutorial vids is hard going.
I started some long time (2005) ago something similar - SME (demo)
it is javascript based (so it can be inserted in a WebDialog) and allows moving blocks around to create Ruby script code (see the upper right Script link) that can be run inside SketchUp.
it will be part of the open source package that I will release soon, so if you want to expand it, let me know.
... and much like others, I too I pleaded for this a while back
See the rant on, "Visual Algorithmic Design for Design Applications" http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=179&t=11074&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=visual+algorithmic
. Diego .
- topic:timeago-later,3 years
so true..architects need this.--grasshopper logic to sketch-up
here's an idea ...how about break it down n develop a simple plugin that can have implied relation between entities .for eq i use the loft or skin plugin to create organic shape using 3 benzier curves. now the plugin should make sure relation between curves n the function ( tht is to loft) is intact or preserved ...so tht @ later stage if designer feels to change the curve profile (let say using control point) the organic shape modifies simultaneously...the idea is that several iterations can be developed from one concept n its intuitive ...WHAT I MEAN IS ,THIS PLUGIN SHOULD BREAK THE SEQUENTIAL MAKE MODELLING IN SU .THAT IS, IT SHOLUD NOT BE LIKE--- GEOMETRY(eg rec)>>> THAN ACTION (push)>>> THAN RESULT (box)>>> BUT THE ALGORITHMIC RELATIONSHIP SHOULD BE MADE POSSIBLE _____ THAT'S WHAT GRASSHOPPER DOES TO RHINO ...N WE NEED SOMETHING LIKE THT FOR SKECTCHUP
yes yes .... pleas please ...
dear plugin aouthirs ...
I know you can ... YES you can ... and beacouse of HTML5.0 and CSS and new IE and/or Safari , it's not impossible for you to make its UI ... -
@ridham2606 said:
so true..architects need this.--grasshopper logic to sketch-up
here's an idea ...how about break it down n develop a simple plugin that can have implied relation between entities .for eq i use the loft or skin plugin to create organic shape using 3 benzier curves. now the plugin should make sure relation between curves n the function ( tht is to loft) is intact or preserved ...so tht @ later stage if designer feels to change the curve profile (let say using control point) the organic shape modifies simultaneously...the idea is that several iterations can be developed from one concept n its intuitive ...WHAT I MEAN IS ,THIS PLUGIN SHOULD BREAK THE SEQUENTIAL MAKE MODELLING IN SU .THAT IS, IT SHOLUD NOT BE LIKE--- GEOMETRY(eg rec)>>> THAN ACTION (push)>>> THAN RESULT (box)>>> BUT THE ALGORITHMIC RELATIONSHIP SHOULD BE MADE POSSIBLE _____ THAT'S WHAT GRASSHOPPER DOES TO RHINO ...N WE NEED SOMETHING LIKE THT FOR SKECTCHUP
that's history modeling..
sketchup has it in very basic forms… you can draw a cylinder via circle->push/pull then select one of the circles and change the radius to make a conical shape..but honestly, i think that's as far as we'll ever get with history in sketchup..
grasshopper ties into the abilities already present in core rhino which takes the history functions even further..
but for a ruby writer to make something like grasshopper in sketchup, the core functions would have to allow it.. the writers just don't have the access necessary to make it happen.
dynamic components are a start but we can only scale/move/rotate/copy with DCs.. so they're actually very limited when compared to grasshopper..
honestly, i think if you want to use grasshopper… then use grasshopper
OK ... WE KNOW history modelling is not possible easily .. but it could be good to have a tool that makes a ruby code with grasshopper UI .. and then we press GENERATE button and run it .. mot desired model ? .. delete it .. edit GUI tool .. then run resulted script again ... not good? .. try agane ... This method for programming is muchbetter than writhing characterless in notepad++ expert ruby experts ...
And we know it's not possible to change the free SU te be something like $$Rhino , it's core is much more complex than SU and all of our ruby plugins is its default tools ... but we should not surrender ... the TBS's tool mentioned in above commands is a very good start ... then we can make a HTML5 based UI for it ... isn't it ?
the basic parts is :
A set of sub plugins as components ... for example we could start by something like "make line" , "pushpul" ...th let users make their simple plugins . is OK for start .. one baseic features in rhino is NURBS .. we know we could't have NERBS until the release of thomthom's commercial plugin .. when ut released we could add the "make nurbs" component .. all is needed is call its moduls and classes ... so we could make this plugin as a intermadiat tool .. something that loads at the end of outher plugins and collects added ruby commends ... and makes a HTML5 GUI for " rubby console " ..
i wish this GUI Rubby Console will be added to our SU ..
for examlpe the first image in the first line ... the alghorithm that kakes this complex model is :
1 user makes a manual curves .. by SDS , curvyloft ,etc .
2 user builds GUI coomand to make a bube that uses TIG's silser .. or copy's some faces in a section destanse .. runs PP lots of time , or JPP ...
3 user makes a curvy cutted faces by manual ..
4 user builds GUI coomand to add Cpoints and make some random circles around them ... then Line2tubes ...
it's not an impossible tast ba ruby scripts ... but SU users prefer to do all of these tasks manually becouse they fear codes and rubby console .. we could show them a shortcut not to do all of these REPETITIOUS jobs -
@the.pjt said:
OK ... WE KNOW history modelling is not possible easily .. but it could be good to have a tool that makes a ruby code with grasshopper UI .. and then we press GENERATE button and run it .. mot desired model ? .. delete it .. edit GUI tool .. then run resulted script again ... not good? .. try agane …
that's already possible with dynamic components.. the major letdown however is that you can't create faces with a dynamic component and/or you can't change the shape of a face other than scaling it.
@unknownuser said:
the basic parts is :
A set of sub plugins as components ... for example we could start by something like "make line" , "pushpul"again.. this could work in dynamic components as well.. you can have all the sub-components inside the model already.. they would just remain hidden until called upon.
i'm just pointing out that dynamic components is already capable of some grasshopper type features.. and, as far as i know, DCs are written in ruby?
so, it's possible for extended capabilities & better user interaction but i also think the SU developers would have to play a key role in making this happen.. it would be a huge undertaking to the point where trimble would be paying at least one person to only work on this feature.. i don't think someone without access to core sketchup could really pull this off..
i've talked to jbacus (online) a couple of times about extended DC capabilities and he never seemed too into it.. pretty much saying 'no.. not gonna happen.. ever"
or wait.. maybe you're saying something a little different than i originally read?
a user interface that makes it easier to enter variables and whatnot.. then that info generates a ruby which is then run.
that's a cool idea too.. still a huge task
- topic:timeago-later,2 years
If this topic is still relevant to you, have a look here:
- topic:timeago-later,26 days
It is going to be available soon!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQOgv2OedJM -
Interesting! But in the video it looks like it's "only" a bridge between Rhino and SU and grasshopper is still running in Rhino. Right?
Is it possible to sync every geometry or only grasshopper generated stuff? Rhino "inside" SU would be interesting too... -
- topic:timeago-later,about a year
Any further news / development on this ?
https://www.floodeditor.com and you obtain an STL file!
- topic:timeago-later,5 months
Is this what you were talking about?