⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
Diameter and radius dimensions
How does one make diameter and radius dimensions in Layout?
Well, currently you can place a guide point at the center/origin of a circle/arc/whatever and use LO inferencing on that.
will it ever work like the dimension tools in sketch up?
Hopefully. Note that the whole dimensioning tool in LO is very new and they still keep polishing it.
Angular dimension would also be handy (both in SU and LO).
Frankly, I'm disappointed in the dimensioning quality of Layout. Sketchup, well, I can understand dimensions might be limited there. But Layout. Heck, that's its name! Next to 'layout' for technical drawings are dimensions and the inability to do basic rad/dia dimensioning is pitiful.