Question about Sketchup Animation
Evening all, I have a question which googling has not so far been able to answer for me. I'm doing an animation for an architectural presentation, and wanted to spin round my model a couple of times then have the buildings kind of pack themselves up and slide down into the ground and have new ones pop up.
I foolishly assumed this would be relatively easy but have since discovered that each scene doesn't represent an individual model, and i can't do it as standard. A bit of googling has pointed me in the direction of 'Blender' and '3D Rad' as two programs which import sketchup and i think do what i'm asking, extrapalating the scenes required to move from one model to the other! They seem a bit involved and user unfriendly though for someone who has limited experience with animation. So questions......
Is there an easier way?
Whats the technical name for the feature i'm talking about so i can try more googling?
Does anyone have a link to a relevant tutorial?
Am I in for so many days of pulling my hair out that I should just scale back my ideas?Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Dan
Perhaps what you want might be "proper animation", a plug-in by Morisdov. -
Ahh thats the stuff i needed. Thank you both for your replies. The falling water youtube vid is exactly the effect i was looking for. I shall give that one a go, is porbably going to take me an age though. I take it there aren't any instructions or anything for these ruby scripts? Is it all fairly self explanatory?
So look this cool video tutorial
Only SU needing without plugin!
Have funny animations! -
or more easy Use the plug "mover" by cmd
After you can also use SketchyPhysics3 by C Phillips for more elaborate animationsAnd now Twiligthrender can support rendering of these animation
and if you want the building of walls like inside this cool video you can made it inside Sketchup with animating sections
And after no difficulty to make that
By Paul Russam[flash=425,344:k2xlanr2][/flash:k2xlanr2]