A question that never gets asked in the western media?
Its was an important week in world events. the UN General Assembly meeting followed by the Pittsburgh G-20 meeting.
During his speech, Netanyahu brandished blueprints of Auschwitz, the infamous Nazi death camp, as he exhorted the world to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Just days after Ahmadinejad once again denied the Holocaust, Netanyahu used his speech to warn of another catastrophe.
Netanyahu used the same GW bush rhetoric at the UN General Assembly: Decide if you're on our side or the terrorists' sideFact: Iran has no nuclear weapons program. Israel does and Israel lets no weapons inspectors into their facilities. They are not a signatory to the nuclear arms pact while everyone else in the world seems to be.
A question that never gets asked in the western media?
Why is Iran a greater threat than Israel?
@tomot said:
Fact: Iran has no nuclear weapons program.
Sorry to avoid the main topic, but you dont know thats a fact.
The international club is made up of mainly established powers. Upstarts don't get a lookin. This is the same kind of politics that many people would have experienced in their school playground. Probably human nature my friend.
p.s. of all the country Iran should know fairness is what you can get away with while you are in power. For example the recent Iranian election.
After the last elections where the vote was clearly stolen by means of corruption, cheating and widespread intimidation I guess most compassionate people world wide would really like to see something happen, however sanctions will only hurt the innocent folks who are trapped in this predicament. I know a little about sanctions as growing up in South Africa I lived through many years of it, the fat cats were not affected, small business and consumers were.
As far as Israel goes, I must admit that I'm very surprised at the US media for not exposing the 455 new Jewish settlements that has been authorised in the beginning of the month which clearly goes against a UN resolution to halt new settlements on disputed and Palestinian lands. I know it's all politics and such a story will always be hushed here in the states as big business and media have agendas unknown to myself.
I am not taking sides in this dispute as I have many great Iranian and Jewish friends that have expressed the real day to day face of this struggle, be it land and security in Israel or be it control, corruption and isolationism in Iran, I would just like to see the facts and the truths be broadcast evenly and without bias, and not opinion.
Too bad Michael Jackson crap inspires the US markets more than real world affairs.