SU pro6 importing DXF/DWG (accurately)
Good morning, I am having a problem importing dxf/dwg files that I have exported from CorelDraw13. Does anyone have any suggestions concerning how to do this more accurately, so that I can avoid having to redraw these shapes in SketchUp?
I would guess that what is happening here is that the edges in Corel are splines or other complex curve elements, and that SU doesn't do a too good job of converting them to straight segments. If possible, you should try to do the conversion in Corel Draw prior to exporting to DWG. Alan Fraser once posted instructions on how to do it in Illustrator, but I don't know if Corel has the same sort of functions.
Thank you Anssi!
Your answer actually helped me alot. I hadn't realized that converting the file to a dxf/dwg actually creates straight lines to make up the curves. If I just add a bunch of nodes into every curve and then export it (or create my vector curves using straight lines) then the results are actually really clean and quite accurate when importing them into SU. This is one of those little things that I wish i had known all along and will help me a thousand times in the future. BIG HELP. Thanks again.