Cad objects Bloat when imported into SktchUp
I want to solve a recurring obstacle.
What is often a small file in CAD (3d objects for instance) becomes really large and unwieldy when imported into SketchUp. Will someone please direct me to some forum threads that address this? I am not sure if I should trim or edit objects somehow in CAD or if there are Ruby scripts to help or if SketchUp itself will solve this.
Case in point
I have a waterslide 3d cad model- file size approx. 3 MB
After importing this one object into a virgin SketchUp session it swells to a 24 MB file which is extremely heavy when creating an environment with numerous elements.
I'm taking guess but if your models are generated by a modeller that uses solids these entities may require translation into meshed equivalents which could be producing the additional size/elements.