Landscape Plant Packs - 68 total (update w. alphas)
Thanks Adam, a great collection and extremely useful
Wow! that is so generous, thank you so much
could you dumb it down to V6 for us luddites?
Thanks Adam... Yeah...alpha would be useful to use with if you could upload those as well.
I have no use for these personally, but it most certainly is an extremely nice contribution.
Thanks so much for this Adam. Very cool of you indeed.
I'd also be interested in the alpha maps. -
Thanks Earthmover for your contribution!
You're welcome everyone. I will upload a .zip with the plants and alphas as soon as I get a chance.
Thanks Adam for sharing this plant collection. Very nice
I updated the first post to include a file with the individual components and all the alpha maps. Should be SU6 compatible and you can unzip right into your component folder.
Here's an example of the precision I was able to achieve on some of the cutouts. This comes from actually taking a photo of the plant with a white sheet behind it. Then in photoshop, I'm able to isolate solely the white pixels and remove the background down to the individual needles. I didn't photograph all of the plants in this collection, but most of the higher resolution ones were.
Your plant pack is excellent and thanks for these alpha maps (should save alot of pp time).
Ed -
Cheers Adam
You legend!! Can't wait to give them a go.
Thanks alot Adam, very generous of you.
Thank you so much! They render fine with Twilight.
@ecuadorian said:
Thank you so much! They render fine with Twilight.
Indeed, Thank you EarthMover! Very generous of you. A lot of hard work went into these.
No problem guys...just my small way of saying thanks for all I've learned from all of you.
BTW - here is a download link for a .zip file containing 21 deciduous trees and alphas. These all came from Ed Howard -
I won't have time to make them into faceme components, but if someone else would like to and post them here for everyone...that would be great.
Wow, thank you, EarthMover. This came just in time, so I'll do it.
Almost ready. Just give me an hour...
Mmmm... forgot to explode them. Give me another hour...Ok, here they are exploded, uploading now... (this will take a while as my connection is slow and my brother is shoutcasting)
Thank you for this fine collection! -
Well, thanks Adam (and Miguel for the conversion) again (?)
I remembered posting here but maybe I didn't. Anyway, the collection deserves a good, old "bump"!
Can some kind soul post them somewhere else besides rapidshare? IT has that one blocked!