GoToMeeting & Sketchup
I've been using the two together to do tutoring. Works just fine.
Nice! Thanks for the input folks!
Has anyone out there been able to compare GoToMeeting directly with WebEx... WebEx is a bit more expensive, just wondering if its worth it....
@mitcorb said:
Also, check out "ezmeeting". Has a subscription requirement.eZMeeting is "unique" in that rather than just sharing the desktop as a raster image, the geometry of SketchUp, (or AuotCAD, PDF, or other products), is downloaded to both machines. This allows both people in the meeting to quickly zoom, pan, or rotate the model and the changes are displayed quickly - using OpenGL - on both machines.
Also, both (or all) meeting participants can mark-up up the model (text, arrows, etc.) and measure lengths and areas, to collaborate on design changes.
Al, that's very interesting and I would love to be able to have that sort of thing. the price is too steep for me, though, since I've been paying for goToMeeting out of my own pocket and haven't got a company supporting my efforts.
@unknownuser said:
Has anyone out there been able to compare GoToMeeting directly with WebEx...
We've done a number of Webinars using WebEx, and some smaller 1:1 work with GoToMeeting. Both are quite functional and you probably won't see much difference until you start doing larger group meetings, recording, or using dial-in services instead of VOIP.
One tip however is that if you have SketchUp and another 3D application open and are recording at the same time, it is best to always minimize the applications that are not currently in use. If you have to windows open we've seen some performance issues and from time to time WebEx can lock up. Minimize, then enlarge the other and no problems.
-- William
@dave r said:
Al, that's very interesting and I would love to be able to have that sort of thing. the price is too steep for me, though, since I've been paying for goToMeeting out of my own pocket and haven't got a company supporting my efforts.
We will be announcing two new products soon.
These are not "meeting" products - but let you save SketchUp models in a document - mark them up - and then send the document to someone else who can view it - in interactive 3D - mark it up some more - and return it to you.
eZ Review will be the free version - for single page documents (A single SKP file with markup).
eZ SketchUp book allows multiple models, mixing SKP and other document formats, and has other features.
eZ Meeting and these other two products all use the same file format. Just the features are different.
We hoe to release tet versions soon.
I just upgraded my Skype, and it now has screen-sharing built-in which is cool because I use Skype already.
Isn't that an "Extra", Jim? I also tried an extra the other day (month) but it didn't really work for me.
@gaieus said:
Isn't that an "Extra", Jim? I also tried an extra the other day (month) but it didn't really work for me.
The latest version of Skype does have this as a built-in function. The people I tried it with were not overly enthusiastic about the quality. They told me the images looked like an over-compressed jpeg. It could have been my computer, though. Has anyone else had any luck using it?
@jim said:
The latest version of Skype does have this as a built-in function. The people I tried it with were not overly enthusiastic about the quality. They told me the images looked like an over-compressed jpeg. It could have been my computer, though. Has anyone else had any luck using it?
I thought that, too.
Yes, ever since I've tried it, too (it was actually you, Dave, as far as I remember). Anyway, true that the image quality looks exactly like you describe plus even the SU mouse cursors don't show (just a "generic" cursor can be seen).
So far, I have to tell you, YuuGuu is what I'm most "impressed" (well, say "contented") with.